Gamma bomb 10x pack

edited December 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Has this been available long? Considering buying one for Tiny and kitties (and giggles)

Anyone bought one? Curious what else is in the packs


  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    It's powered up + hulk. Bought the daily deal of Gamma bomb and got a spidey.
  • still not worth it for me because i have a max spidey

    15% of a 3* pull

    10% of it not being spidey

    1/10 chance of getting a hulk or punisher for 200 HP. Rather buy a single cover instead.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    still not worth it for me because i have a max spidey

    15% of a 3* pull

    10% of it not being spidey

    1/10 chance of getting a hulk or punisher for 200 HP. Rather buy a single cover instead.

    I have max everything but hulk and 3 punisher covers. When I did the 10x punisher pack I got 2 punishers and 3 spideys. Didn't need the Spidermen but a couple hulks would be nice. As long as they aren't green
  • Bought a gamma bomb 10x...

    Guaranteed Hulk was black

    Other 9 packs:

    Yellow Capn
    Yellow Spidey
    Red Capn
    Blue Spidey
    Green Wolvie
    Red Hulk
    Red Wolvie
    Yellow Spidey
    Red Capn

    Five (5!) Three star pulls in one pack. One guaranteed but still, I will not complain. And one of each Hulk cover so now I can build him. I'm actually pleased that I made this decision, even if it means I finally burnt all my hp rewards since day 1.
  • 3 Spider-Men! That pack must have came out of Santa's workshop. Congrats. icon_e_smile.gif
  • 3 Spider-Men! That pack must have came out of Santa's workshop. Congrats. icon_e_smile.gif

    Unfortunately mine is already maxxed out, but was still a happy draw. Thanks!
  • _fulu_ wrote:
    3 Spider-Men! That pack must have came out of Santa's workshop. Congrats. icon_e_smile.gif

    Unfortunately mine is already maxxed out, but was still a happy draw. Thanks!

    Lots of awesome tiny kitty luck this Christmas!
  • Higher chance to get spidy? Might worth trying it out for 200hp each. Just wory that I get cap / wolve... I got them like more thsn 10x..feel disappointed when you got those maxed cover characters..
  • Cashed in 4 gamma bombs and 1 heroic token and got:


    Ahhhhhhh FMF
  • Cashed in 4 gamma bombs and 1 heroic token and got:


    Ahhhhhhh FMF

    Uh...what? How do you get Daken from Gamma Bomb tokens?
  • Misguided wrote:
    Cashed in 4 gamma bombs and 1 heroic token and got:


    Ahhhhhhh FMF

    Uh...what? How do you get Daken from Gamma Bomb tokens?

    I have no idea LoL