A few ideas from your friendly neighborhood f4d (without the

fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,962 Chairperson of the Boards
edited September 2014 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
With the one year anniversary of MPQ right around the corner, i am tempted to dream of what our good devs have in store for us. i am by no means a pro (or even an amateur) at game design or techno stuff but i felt that it might be worthwhile to share some of the sugar and spice and everything nice i've been daydreaming of. So without further ado:

MPQ Year 2

My biggest wish is simple: New non-competitive modes of play. i'm not asking to do away entirely with the current pVp and pVe format just give the players another non-competitive option. i believe by doing so, the devs will be able to address some of the other major issues that seem to plague the game (or at least draw the most criticism), namely:

- player burnout/boredom
- Problems with event ending times
- lack of use of particular characters (here's looking at you DD, Spidey, Dr. Doom, Loki...)
- the game is less about puzzle strategy and more about powerhousing your way to victory
- lack of enemy variety
- heroes outnumbering major villains

of course there are a few other issues with the game that some people have, but i think non-competitive modes can address these directly and successfully.

How? you might ask.

By offering more variety in terms of actual gameplay experience. In my year 2 plan for MPQ, i think the devs can run different kinds of non-competitive events such as individual player quests, alliance boss battles, and even community boss battles. Awards can be earned either by progression or encounter. Different sorts of enemy AI can be utilized to bring out the strengths of characters that are underused. I could on ad nauseum but as i have a bad habit of blabbering on i'm just going to cut to the chase:

The MPQ Year 2 Boss Event Plan

Here is a simple layout of events on a one year, monthly schedule that i think would be awesome to play:

M1: Siege
Type: Alliance boss battle
Duration: 7 days
Mid Boss: Sentry (or Void)
Boss: Norman Osborn (Iron Patriot)
Character Introduction: Y1 Norman Osborn, Y2 Void
Roster Restriction: Restricted Avengers
Buffed: Thor 3*, Iron Man 3*, Captain America 2*, Hawkeye 2*
Possible Prizes: 4*Norman Osborn (Y1, Y2) 4*Void (Y2)
Notes: With the controversy surrounding Sentry at the moment, it seems highly unadvisable to release Void onto the masses for a while lol

M2: Rise of the Kingpin
Type: Solo
Duration: 5 days
Mid Boss: Elektra
Boss: Kingpin
Character Introduction: Kingpin, Elektra, Kingpin's henchmen, Ninja assassins
Roster Restriction: Restricted Daredevil, Spider-man, Punisher, Daken 2*, OBW and Hawkeye 1*
Buffed: Daredevil and Spider-man
Possible Prizes: 2* Elecktra (Y1, Y2), 3* Kingpin (Y1,Y2), 3*Bullseye (Y2)
Notes: Maggia type hitmen should be restricted to only one per node obviously due to Daredevil's incompatibility with such types. Henchman and lower NPC characters should be given simple board moves that will trigger his traps!

M3: Doom's Day
Type: Alliance Boss Battle
Duration: 7 days
Mid Boss: Doombot
Boss: Dr. Doom
Character Introduction: Servo Guards (AI)
Roster Restriction: None
Buffed: Invisible Woman 4*, Human Torch 3* or 2*
Possible prizes: 3rd Doctor Doom cover (or Dr Doom 4*)
Notes: Don't know if the Devs want to give Dr. Doom a third cover or make 4* Doom but either way works for me

M4: Apocalypse
Type: Alliance Boss Battle
Duration: 10 days
Mid Boss: Archangel
Boss: Apocalypse
Character Introduction: Ozymandias, War, Pestilience, Famine, Archangel, Apocalypse
Roster Restriction: X-Men
Buffed: X-Force 4*, Colossus 3*, Psylocke 3*, Beast 3*, Storm 2*, Magneto 2*
Possible Prizes: Angel 2*, Archangel 3*, Apocalypse 4*
Notes: Keep in mind that most of these NPC characters will not be available to the player

M5: Loki's Revenge
Type: Solo
Duration: 4 days
Mid Boss: Enchantress
Boss: Loki
Character Introduction: Ice Giants, Surtur, Fenris Wolf, Enchantress
Roster Restriction: Thor (3* or 2*)
Buffed: Thor (3* and 2*)
Possible Prizes: Enchantress 3*, Loki 3rd cover
Notes: Ice Giants should primarily be Blue/Yellow/Green users while Surtur should be red/yellow/black

M6: Age of Ultron

Type: Alliance Boss Battle
Duration: 7 days
Mid Boss: Vision
Boss: Ultron
Character Introduction: Ultron Decoys, Vision, Ultron
Roster Restriction: Avengers
Buffed: Steve Rogers 3*, Hulk 3*, Iron Man 3*, Thor 2*, Black Widow 2*, Hawkeye 2*
Possible Prizes: Vision 3*, Ultron 4*
Notes: Released around the same time as the Avengers 2 movie. Nice chance to pick up new players!

M7: If this Be Doomsday!
Type: Community Boss Battle
Duration: 11 days
Mid Boss: Silver Surfer
Boss: Galactus
Character Introduction: Punisher (Robots), Silver Surfer, Galactus
Roster Restriction: None
Buffed: Invisible Woman 3*, Human Torch 3*, Thing (2* or 3*) , Bagman 2*
Possible Prizes: Silver Surfer 4* (Y1, Y2) Galactus 5*??? (Y2)


Type: Solo
Duration: 7 days
Mid boss: Baron Von Strucker
Boss: Red Skull
Character Introduction: Hydra soldiers, Hydra Assassins, the Hand, Baron Von Strucker, Red Skull
Roster Restriction: None
Buffed: Nick Fury 4*Steve Rogers 3*, GSBW 3*, Hawkeye 2*
Possible Prizes: Baron Von Strucker 2* (Y1, Y2), Red Skull 3* (Y1, Y2), Winter Solider (Y2)

M9: Dark Dimension

Type: Alliance Boss Battle
Duration: 7 days
Mid Boss: Umar
Boss: Dormammu
Character Introduction: The Mindless Ones, Demon lords, Satannish, Umar, Dormammu
Roster Restriction: None
Dr. Strange Buffed
Possible Prizes: Dr. Strange 4*, Umar 3*, Dormammu 4*

M10: Night of the Sentinels

Type: Alliance Boss Battle
Duration: 7 days
Mid Boss: Nimrod
Boss: Bastion
Character Introduction: Sentinels, Master Mold, Nimrod, Bastion
Roster Restriction: Restricted X-Men
Buffed: Magneto 3*, Gambit 3*, Psylocke 3*, Night Crawler 3*, Storm 2*, Jubilee 2*, Angel 2*
Possible Prizes: Jubilee 2*, Gambit 3*, Nightcrawler 3*

M11: Maximum Carnage
Type: Solo
Duration: 5 days
Mid Boss: Shriek
Boss: Carnage
Character Introduction: Doppleganger, Demogoblin, Carrion, Shriek, Carnage
Roster Restrictions: None
Buffed: Spider-Man 3*, Venom 1*
Possible Prizes: Carnage 3*, Spider-Man 3*

M12: Infinity Gauntlet

Type: Community Boss Battle
Duration: 13 days
Mid Boss: Mephisto
Boss: Thanos
Character Introduction: Drax the Destroyer, Gamora, Nebula, Mephisto, Thanos
Roster Restriction: None
Buffed Characters: Silver Surfer 4*, Dr. Strange 4*, Spider-man 3*, Hulk 3*, Captain America 2*, Thor 2*
Possible Prizes: Mephisto 4*, Silver Surfer 4*, Gamora 3*, Nebula 3*, Thanos 5* Y2

Battle Types:
Solo: The player flies solo. Event is made of a variety of nodes that give random rewards. No progression rewards.
Alliance Boss Battle: As a team, players face off against a Boss and his minions. Progression rewards and progression bar reward.
Community Boss Battle: The entire MPQ player base faces off against the universe's most powerful beings. Progression rewards and progression bar reward.

*Heroics be phased out of the game
*Occasionally introduce characters through non-competitive play
*Have three modes: Normal, Difficult, Impossible
* For normal mode: Top prize should be a 3* token (while it won't guarantee the featured character it will help those building their roster)
*For hard mode: Top Prize should be one cover of featured character
*For impossible mode: Player should be able to acquire all three covers through completion
* Use progression rewards for alliance and community boss battles
* Use random progression awards for solo adventures
*Avoid overlap of cover prizes with other game events
*Occasionally run guerilla mini events
*Lock 5* characters from competing in most pVp/pVe events

Mini events

I think occasionally running guerilla mini events would also make the game more enjoyable. For example:

Sabertooth Attacks: Using Wolverine, you fight Sabertooth one-on-one for random rewards Possible Rewards: Sabertooh 3* cover, 2000 Iso, 50HP, 25HP, 20Iso (Sabertooh 3* covers can only be won in this event)

10 Rings: Using Iron Man, battle the Mandarin in a first to get 10 AP in all colors match. One chance only. The winner is the first to reach 10AP in all colors or the defeat of the opponent Possible Rewards: Mandarin 3* cover, 10000Iso, 100Iso, 50IS0, 20Iso (Mandarin covers can only be won in this event)

Sweet Dreams: Using Dr. Strange, match wits with Nightmare in a match game of death. Certain colors are restricted and if you or the opponent matches the color receive damage. Match your own colors to attack enemy and restore health. Possible Rewards: Dr. Strange 4* 5000Iso, 50HP, 20Iso

Merc on a Mission: Every week, Deadpool receives a bounty list of 13 characters he has to take out in 4 days. All bounties must be collected in pVp only and you have to use Deadpool. Progression Reward:

1bounty: 20Iso
2-4 bounties: 50Iso
5-7 bounties: 100Iso
8-9 bounties: 500 Iso
10-12 bounties: 1000Iso
13 bounties: 9,999Iso

Wooh, that was quite the brain fart! i'm beat!! I'll probably try to go into more detail about each event when i have the time, inspiration and energy to but hopefully you can catch a glimpse of what i dream of for this game. Of course, i have no clue what the devs are up to but rumor is they check these boards from time to time (talking to you Hatman and DW. Hi! Love your game! Keep up the good work! and let's not forget our new comrade Hi-Fi Guy!) so i figured it wouldn't hurt to drop and idea or two. If you have any questions or comments, feel free!

And of course, if you have any grand plans or fantastic dreams, don't be shy! The more we share, the more we're going to get! ゙☆⌒o(*^ー゚)v

a true believer,

Edited to add: i am in no way, shape or form a part of the secret dev Cabal. These ideas, opinions, thoughts, brain fart bubbles do not reflect the policies or plans of the respective developers and publishers of this game. Thank you for reading!


  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    Full of great ideas that will never be used! Solo and alliance battles would be awesome! Nice work sir!
  • Lots of good ideas there! I hope the devs see this and all other suggestions on the forums and try to implement some.

    Not to derail the thread but I think the lack of content and innovation stems from Demiurge being such a small development team. If they had more manpower, I think we would see much more content and changes in the game than we currently do.
  • Yeah, I posted this when TUs hit.
    So many people want a little diversity in the game, but so far nothing ever happens save new chars.