Wrong reward on tournament

So I just finished the Sudan and west Sahara missions, and west Sahara gave me the correct prize but Sudan did not, it gave me the next teir down prize. I think this happened last hulk sighting as well but since I didn't play up to the end I could be sure, I was playing and watching Sudan when it ended, and I should have had a heroic token not 3 standards,

Anyone else having this problem?

Ticket worthy?


  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Looking at your placement I see that you placed and received what *should* be the correct prizes for your listed placements:
    1A - Placed 127, got Top 200 prizes
    1B - Placed 102, got Top 200 prizes
    2A - Placed 730, got Top 800 prizes
    2B - Placed 180, got Top 200 prizes
    3A - Placed 869, got Top 1000 prizes
    3B - Placed 418, got Top 600 prizes

    Looks like on 3A (Sudan) you placed lower than 800 which put you into the Standard Token region, which would be the correct placement for that ranking.