If 5/5/5 was possible, who benefits the most?

TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
edited September 2014 in MPQ General Discussion
If you could use all covers at once, who are the ones who would be improved. My top 5

1. Patch (pre-nerf)
2. CMags (pre-nerf)
3. Sentry
4. Deadpool
5. Fury

Post nerf, X-Force would go 2nd, Patch would be moved down (not sure how far) and Mags would be removed.


  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    There's quite a few actually but my top five looks pretty similar:

    1. Patch
    2. Punisher (no more 5 green or 5 black dilemma)
    3. Hood
    4. CMags (up to R59)
    5. Captain Marvel

    Honourable mentions go to Psylocke (blue is okay at five), Daken, and both Torch versions.
  • Hood would get a bump, as currently 5 blue is a must, yellow gets a huge boost at 5, but black needs 5 to play well with Sentry.

    Torch gets a bump as both black and green are good attacks that get better.

    Falcon gets a bump as purple to 5 allows more and stronger shields for a very underrated character
  • hurcules
    So...anyone but IM40?
  • over_clocked
    oBW as 5/5/5 doesn't quite fuel my fire, neither does BP as his blue is rarely used, or Captain America (yellow that never gets used), or Hulk (red could potentially hurt your team more IIRC), or GSBW (her red just becomes horrible-r), or Daredevil (7-turn unreliable stun or 4-turn unreliable stun? Hmm, I think I'll just pass Daredevil altogether).
  • Doom, Loki, Rags, MBW, Juggs, Bullseye, Hawkeye, Venom, Yelena. icon_e_biggrin.gif

    Ok, probably not Yelena.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    In no particular order for 3*s.

    Daredevil (Purple alludes to your demise, Blue makes you sit back and watch, Red just ends you)
    She-Hulk (http://youtu.be/gAYL5H46QnQ)
    Patch (Strike Tiles, Strike Tiles, Strike Tiles)
    Thor (Bringing the Hammer down since 1966)
    Fury (Insert "I have a plan" speech)
    Deadpool (Just becomes even more annoying)
    X-force (post patch)
    Captain Marvel (Seriously, I'm really beginning to hate fighting her)
    Human Torch (http://youtu.be/ipqqEFoJPL4)
    Magneto (post patch)
    Sentry (Get blown up, Get blown up, Watch me kill myself killing you)
    The Hood (Now the most popular kid on the playground)
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is a bit of a loaded question since everyone would benefit, but I think I know what you are saying, it's the guys you have to make the tough choice on so in no particular order. So I will answer the guys it won't make much of difference for both 3* and 4*

    Thor -- taking 3/5/5 to 5/5/5 would just have you do more damage, nothing more
    Hulk -- taking 5/3/5 to 5/5/5 gives you a little boost but nothing more
    Human Torch -- 5/x/x you do more dmg nothing more
    Patch --taking 5/3/5 to 5/5/5 gives you a boots on a skill you almost never use
    Deadpool -- taking 5/5/3 to 5/5/5 gives you more heal on a skill you can't rely on
    BWGS -- taking 5/3/5 to 5/5/5 makes red even more useless
    IM40-- doens't matter period, this guys is terrible
    Daredevil--5/3/5 to 5/5/5 who care about an even longer stun

    The rest benefit much more than these guys and some would be steallar, like Hood and Punisher
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    I agree with all of that except:
    Phaserhawk wrote:
    Patch --taking 5/3/5 to 5/5/5 gives you a boots on a skill you almost never use
    In a post R60 patch world, I'll be using TBTI a lot more than I do now - assuming Patch gets used much at all - and there's a huge benefit to going to five covers in all his skills.
  • 1. Captain Marvel
    2. Punisher
    3. Sentry
    4. Daken
    5. Human Torch
    6. Patch

    Getting the black AP from Captain Marvel's yellow AND having full damage capabilities on red and black would make her pretty damn strong.

    Punisher is one of the few characters in this game with three useful actives. Same with Sentry.

    Daken's blue is great and deals a ton of low cost damage. But his heal is always nice to have around as well and lowering the blue count required not to hurt himself is still imperative, in my opinion.

    Human torch is another rare 3 excellent active character.

    Patch has his heal, which must be 5, and then two actives that are good in certain team comps. If you had both, you wouldn't have to model him around the team comp you intend to run.

    People it would have little or no effect on (excluding Doom, Rags and Loki)
    1. Grey Suit Black Widow
    2. Psylocke
    3. Beast/Spider man
    4. Captain America
    5. Daredevil
    6. Hulk
    7. IM40
    8.Black Panther

    GSBW has, by far, the most dead ability in the game. Name one time you've wasted red on that ability when she wasn't the only red user.

    Psylocke also has a very bad dead ability. Steal the AP they aren't using? Brilliant!

    Beast and Spiderman have relatively dead abilities, as patch up healing has very limited utility at this point. OBW's blue is most useful for modifying countdown tiles nowadays. Healing is only useful when you're about to lose someone who will win you the match. Not impactful at all.

    Captain America....yea, still not going to farm 19 yellow for that ****.

    Daredevil is trash even with a longer stun. It would help him a little, but when you're as bad as daredevil, getting a better terrible ability is just a small step up.

    Hulk. Show me one person who intentionally has 5 in red and I'll show you someone who lacks resource management and decision making skills.

    IM40. One of the rare examples of an abilities getting worse as you level it. GSBW is the only other one with an ability like this, that I can think of anyway. No ability should ever increase in countdown timer or increase in AP cost as you level it. That's absurd.

    Black Panther. Not that it would be a bad thing to have 5 blue, but it wouldn't really affect him in any way.
  • DD-The-Mighty
    DD-The-Mighty Posts: 350 Mover and Shaker
    Simple Answer?
    Any character who gets a significant damage boost or significant functionality upgrade from jumping from 3/4-5 in a given power.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    onimus wrote:
    Psylocke also has a very bad dead ability. Steal the AP they aren't using? Brilliant!
    It can be amazing.

    You can turn a match around really fast if you suddenly find yourself with another 19 black AP the AI wasn't using. The skill is only bad because you don't have control over what gets stolen and it has a countdown timer - but when it works, and you get stuff you can use, I'll say it again... amazing.

    And I should point out at level 5 it's a lot more reliable than L3 or L4 thanks to countdown reduction.
  • the x-men alliances
  • If you could use all covers at once, who are the ones who would be improved. My top 5

    1. Patch (pre-nerf)
    2. CMags (pre-nerf)
    3. Sentry
    4. Deadpool
    5. Fury

    Post nerf, X-Force would go 2nd, Patch would be moved down (not sure how far) and Mags would be removed.

    Based on the current power sets, I'd go with:

    Hood - The pairing of him and Sentry makes level 5 Intimidation useful for once

    Deadpool - Best of all worlds... Up to 65% hit from red, top AOE damage from purple, and the ability to have a net gain of health from his black.

    Daken - Five each of purple and black are essential, but five blue makes that power a real killer

    Punisher - Three strike tiles, two-turn countrown on molotovs, AND retribution killing at 40% is a great mixture.

    CMags - Purple nuke plus undercosted red and blue is deadly.

    I don't include Patch in this because five green is called "suicide Patch" for a reason if you can't kill the opponent or take out all those purple strike tiles ASAP.