Trap Tile Mechanic Suggestion

I have a few suggestions that might make the trap tile mechanic a little more useful/beneficial to the player so here goes.

How a trap is triggered
The first suggestion I have is to have the triggers be more inclusive and have the resulting effects be tiered as a result of the trigger. Let me explain with an example.

1. Trap is matched by the AI: full damage (as it currently exists in the game)
2. Trap is blown away by a match 4 or 5: trap should still trigger but the damage/effect should be reduced by a certain amount as it didn't go off properly
3. Trap tile is overwritten: trap should still trigger but the damage/effect should be reduced even lower than the damage/effect of being blown away.
4. Trap is matched by the player: trap should trigger and the resulting damage/effect should be further reduced than having it overridden.

I think the proper way to disarm the trap would be board shakeup moves (like Storm's or Hulk's green...even though it is similar to #2 above). The reason I suggest only shake ups disarm and the reason I include overriding as a trigger is to make traps viable versus HAMMER/Maggia/Doombots/Brotherhood Mutants since they don't make matches. Having a trap trigger by overriding it would still yield SOME damage based on my triggering criteria above. You might say, well not all the goons place red CDs. Well keep reading because I address that in the following suggestion.

How a trap is placed
The second suggestion is for how they are placed. They can continue to be random or they could be placed manually. I am actually suggesting that regardless of which way is decided, the traps should go on ANY color tile, regardless of the color the power. Allow me to explain:

1. Daredevil's red trap is fired off. It COULD be set to a red tile, but it can just as easily end up on a yellow tile.
2. Fury's blue trap, likewise, could end up on a black tile.

Regardless of the placement method, I am suggesting that traps could go anywhere on the board to increase the likelihood of them being matched. If they end up being matched more often, then this goes back to my first suggestion in that there is a scaled damage/effect due to HOW the trap is matched. Now this leads into the last suggestion as there is an issue with how to know which trap is which if they can be placed anywhere.

How to distinguish traps
We currently have a trap tile animation/icon. It looks like arms grabbing on from behind the tile. That could be repurposed but make the trap tile arms be the COLOR of the trap. If that visually is not enough, then perhaps wrap the tile with a border that is the color of the trap. The only other thing I could think of is have the trap arms pulsate from white to the color of the trap. Examples:

1. Daredevil's purple trap lands on a black tile. The trap arms will be purple to tell you what kind of trap it is. Trap arms could pulsate from white to purple if needed.
2. Likewise with Fury's blue. It lands on a red tile. The trap arms would be blue or pulsate blue.

As mentioned, whether or not the trap tile arms will be sufficient enough to see the color is one thing so the trap tile might need to be redone to make up for it.

In closing, I think the suggestions here would make traps more useful and deadly. Not only that but with the added way to trigger them, trap tiles could now actually be usable in PVE matches against goons that don't make matches. One thing I did not address is AP costs and damage/effects as those would have to be determined by how effective traps become with these changes. Hope you all like the suggestions and feel free to discuss!