Game enchantments requests

1. Unlockable/buyable UI themed as heroes
Example: hulk UI, with green buttons, and hulk fighting with someone in the background as wallpaper. At first there could be at least most popular themes.
2. The heroes would be rotatable 3D models in custom themed backgrouns similar to car games where each car is rotatable in garage..


1. Easy campaigns that give only * star cards for helping new players
2. Multi leveled campaigns, similar to hulk campaign! But easier for normal players who has mid-game rosters.
3. Making decent story for campaigns or mission, rather than one line speech that makes no sense!
4. Solo missions where you are using only solo hero and fighting 2/3 guys for some personal reward, or as endless dungeon somewhere..


1. FIXES AND BUGS - Fixing minor and major annoyances that most people already mentioned.
2. MUSIC - I feel this game should have less cheeky soundtrack, more unique atmosphere, like some other games provide.

I do believe these would be major improvements, and while they are not mandatory i am sure they would improve the game. Anyone who has some ideas that could be implemented within reason, can post and i will update the thread if needed.

P.S. im fine if this thread will get buried..