Cover slots and extra covers suggestions.

I've been thinking about the issues the game has and I think that have a suggestion for the two that I stated in the subject line.

D3 should increase the starting number of cover slots that people have to a higher number, 10 maybe 15. That way everybody gets a chance to really start before having to buy any. People already with 40+ spots will get some free ones to help out with the increase in characters. It would also help for character diversity that is supposed to be happening.

And for extra covers, I think we should have the ability to sink the cost of the cover plus a small Iso boost, maybe an extra 100, into our developed character. Now people will have motivation to compete in events even if they have the character fully covered because they can get a small boost in leveling that character. Also if anybody is crazy enough to buy a 42 of characters you have a better use for any character that is dropped instead of just converting straight to Iso. Give the game a tad more strategy.

Just a thought.