Make special blocks that do extra damage when matched

I know we have strike tiles that increase the amount of damage done each match but I'd like to play a character where the damage potential is high but I have to be good at matching some random block. It just makes it more fun if I have to gamble with an ability that has a high payoff with a certain risk associated with it.


  • _RiO_
    _RiO_ Posts: 1,047 Chairperson of the Boards
    See also: critical tiles and the characters and skills that can generate them. icon_rolleyes.gif
  • So just to clarify. Critical tiles are considered any color, also they are only a multiplier. You don't usually do too much over 1,000 damage with a critical tile. This presents two fundamental difference. Critical tiles are low risk and low reward or Ez to match and low in damage. Nobody considers the critical tiles to be a strong character skill because of the low damage. Off the top of my head bullseye has prolly the best critical tile placement skill and most people forget he has it. The cost is too high and the damage is too low for it to be a factor. On the other hand Torches Red is considered an instant five because of the high damage to low cost. Why couldn't they have a character who has a high damage skill where they have to gamble on whether they could could match one random tile. Daredevil kinda has this skillset but it's more of a trap and matching it isn't really the major draw. I'd just like to see tiles on the board that are my goal to match or to stop the enemy from matching outside of just going for a color.
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    CMagneto has the best critical tile placement power. If you've played him, you know what I mean.
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Since the AI doesn't prioritize special tile matching anyway, you could do this with a new kind of trap... mostly. Create a trap tile with an effect like "does 500 damage to opposing team when matched". The owner can see it and try to match it soon, but the enemy could match it by accident and hurt the owner instead.

    It's an interesting skill idea actually.

    As far as creating a tile which simply has higher-than normal match damage, it would be interesting, but definitely more work for the devs to create. For real fun, think of how this would interact with a critical tile. Possibly an overpowered combo at that point.
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,758 Chairperson of the Boards
    isn't this ability you are talking about Dare Devil? He lays down traps and if the enemy matches them does damage, steals AP, or stuns the opponent. On DD purple if you match the tile you steal a purple from your opponent and if you Match Red you do extra damage. If you want to do extra damage per match you are better off boosting those colors as it is a better mechanic than DD.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    It could be programmed with a countdown mechanism. Each tile is worth 2,000 points, with x turns. If the counter hits 0, it pegs the generating team for 1,000 points. If the tile is cleared through destruction (e.g. Lightning Storm or Godlike Power), it gives normal damage and AP.

    Or for fun, and more programmer tweaking, it could be 500 points x the number of turns remaining. More covers equals longer cd time.
  • I really like the idea of owning a countdown tile that you are trying to match before it goes off. I think that a trap that you are trying to match, kind of an ambush, is what I was thinking but the idea of it working with a critical strike tile seems really nuanced/ potentially op. Anyways, Just wanted to say I came back to be impressed that others had way better thoughts than mine.

    p.s. On the magneto thread, I think that if magneto just made on critical tile, it would be a meh skill. It's not the critical tile, it's the nigh unlimited cascade that makes his blue broken. Other characters have arguably better color changing powers but none have a self replenishing color changing power.