Discounted Heroic Token

edited December 2013 in MPQ General Discussion
Curse you 100 HP discounted heroic token. You fooled me once and gave me Hawkeye. You fooled me again and gave me another Hawkeye. You will NOT fool me a third time icon_lol.gif


  • Third times a bagman. Or invisible bagwoman.

    Actually I got a hood today, so I guess I can't complain
  • Curse you 100 HP discounted heroic token. You fooled me once and gave me Hawkeye. You fooled me again and gave me another Hawkeye. You will NOT fool me a third time icon_lol.gif

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. =)
  • Marty17
    Marty17 Posts: 503 Critical Contributor
    I'm on the same boat, granted that I only need 3 ** character covers so the odds of me pulling something I've already have is high. Still hoping pulling off that I either need or haven't obtained yet.
  • well i just got the hood. i've been buying the 100 hp one every day since it became a feature. this is the first time i didn't get a 2*. so I guess the odds aren't that bad. I think its basically a way to drain HP because I was actually gaining a lot from just doing tournies and it was clear that spending 300 HP for a booster is not worth it compared to just saving up 1250 to improve a 3* skill. but for 12 boosters, I'd roll the dice icon_razz.gif
  • djpt05
    djpt05 Posts: 178
    I got a Red Magneto and a Yellow Hood but since then it's all Moonstones.
    I could have used the 500 HP by now to actually skill up a 2* (like Wolverine) instead of wasting the majority of that HP. I'm done with those tokens!
  • its always luck as usual. got a pink grey widow today. stoked.
  • The fact that the more you play the game the less valuable buying boosters becomes seems like a bad thing for a freemium game. They need some way to improve the odds of not getting things you've already maxed out, or people are going to get discouraged.
  • Saeviomage wrote:
    The fact that the more you play the game the less valuable buying boosters becomes seems like a bad thing for a freemium game. They need some way to improve the odds of not getting things you've already maxed out, or people are going to get discouraged.

    Epically when the you are given a random chance between getting something useful, and getting something completely worthless.
  • Saeviomage wrote:
    The fact that the more you play the game the less valuable buying boosters becomes seems like a bad thing for a freemium game. They need some way to improve the odds of not getting things you've already maxed out, or people are going to get discouraged.

    Absolutely agree with this. I spent $50 and then turned around and put in another $20 my first week. Now I'm very hesitant to buy HP for anything, including roster space. I did buy a daily deal token for the new event, and of course it didn't turn out so well.
  • So my problem with spending my hp on this new token for the event is same as last few specials. I already have all 2* maxed. Also I still need all the 3* same as before. Decided to give the 1st time 200hp a shot and if course got a Cap. So was like blah. Lame. Decide to go open the single standard token I had also collected... And there's yellow spidey. Yay!
  • Saeviomage wrote:
    The fact that the more you play the game the less valuable buying boosters becomes seems like a bad thing for a freemium game. They need some way to improve the odds of not getting things you've already maxed out, or people are going to get discouraged.

    What I would like to see is an expansion pack of a couple of new covers at one time and a token that only has those. Could be 1,2, and 3*. Otherwise as long as they do one ne character at a time there will never be an incentive to spend money on tokens.