Where's IceIX/Any Mod?

Seems a dark shadow has been cast upon the d3publisher building. Someone should swing by, see if they're okay!
I bet they'd appreciate some donuts and coffee, too.


  • Holiday break?
  • Yeah, you gotta imagine some people are taking an early break. If IceIX isn't one of them, he's prolly covering for someone who is icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hiding out due to the Hunt fiasco.
  • Fingers crossed that they are working on a super awesome crazy new Pve event that will release the hulk , nightcrawler, and like 3 other covers. Include a patch that alters skills of current 4* , fixes rubber banding, and does a complete revamp of the ever so outdated shield simulator. (Also that it will all happen this week. Haha!)
  • I was just concerned is all. Happy Holidays to them if that's the case icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • Unknown
    edited December 2013
    Fingers crossed that they are working on a super awesome crazy new Pve event that will release the hulk , nightcrawler, and like 3 other covers. Include a patch that alters skills of current 4* , fixes rubber banding, and does a complete revamp of the ever so outdated shield simulator. (Also that it will all happen this week. Haha!)

    And you'll get to respec your characters, Loki will get an awesome third ability, prices will drop, retaliations will be revamped, they'll unnerf that character you were using all the time that they nerfed, and you were all like "what, I totally liked him how he was. Now he's useless, and I just spent a bunch of HP on him. Boooo!", Bagman will get a fouth, fifth, and sixth ability, everyone you attack will have more points than you but weaker chacaters, and I don't know, free icecream.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    free icecream

    I read free Iceman,

    Is that a bad sign? Am I playing too much? Overmarvel exposure?
  • Free icecream!

    please change hotdog stand to icecream stand. k? Thanks.
  • A sixth ability could be just what it takes to make bag-man mediocre.
  • Yeah, I'd prefer just a few words as a The Hunt follow up as opposed to two back to back tournaments against teams I don't have a prayer of beating.

    I want to keep loving this game, Ice. Just say somethin', man.
  • Hmmm. Maybe today will be the day every1 returns.
  • I think Ice has repeatedly said that he is not a community manager and does not want to be one. He has done it in the past and has only posted on here because he wants to help out. That's kind of his role in the organization, a jack of all trades.
  • Silence again today.
  • ElectroBlast
    ElectroBlast Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Dslyexic wrote:
    Seems a dark shadow has been cast upon the d3publisher building. Someone should swing by, see if they're okay!
    I bet they'd appreciate some donuts and coffee, too.

    Donuts and coffee would be excellent. Ice is out on holiday break at the moment, and I'm afraid that I'm a poor substitute, but we are still here.

    I know Ice gets back to you guys directly a lot, but in the meantime, if there is an issue that needs assistance, it will probably be faster to go directly to mobilesupport@d3p.us. For questions about what's going on in the game, I will do my best to get back to you guys, but I will mostly be playing relay with the devs, so it may be slow.
  • Thank you ElectroBlast for letting us know. I was hoping he was out on holiday break instead of something bad happening.

    And any information you or your colleagues can provide is always welcome.

    Happy Holidays / Merry Christmas / Happy New Year / Festive Kwanza / Super Solstice / whatever to everyone there.
  • The mighty Electroblast as spoken! I guess IceIX is human afterall and needs a holiday now and then.

    Electroblast: Will there be a christmas sale? And when are we getting hats for our heroes?
  • ElectroBlast
    ElectroBlast Posts: 52 Match Maker
    The mighty Electroblast as spoken! I guess IceIX is human afterall and needs a holiday now and then.

    Electroblast: Will there be a christmas sale? And when are we getting hats for our heroes?

    Mighty... I think not. More like the guy that needs to ask Ice for information any time he has a question. =)

    If you haven't already seen, we do have a Christmas sale running right now on Steam at 25% off for our packs (not the in-game purchases).

    Also, I'm sure you already know that the Hulk is on the loose!

    Hats are not in the plans, unfortunately... but feel free to stick a hat sticker on your screen and send us a picture to help convince the devs it's the right thing to do. =)
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Technically, I am around. I just happen to be behind the Great Firewall of China at the moment and stable intarwebz that allow access to the plethora of things the web allows is somewhat scarce. icon_e_smile.gif
  • IceIX wrote:
    Technically, I am around. I just happen to be behind the Great Firewall of China at the moment and stable intarwebz that allow access to the plethora of things the web allows is somewhat scarce. icon_e_smile.gif

    Wow. Have a good trip! We miss you(r informative posts)!
  • Have a nice trip, dearest of all mods in here. (Sry electro, gotta work hard for that title!)