S4 result : Congrats and thanks to X-Men

Congrats to all crews in X-Men for their domination on PVP's through S4.

While devs trying to make S4 less bloody, more casual then prevs seasons by rewarding "lady bagman"...
the X-Men crews gang her harder than nick. Resulting S4 scoring even higher then prevs seasons, so thanks for it.

A lot post questioning what drives them to score 1700+ per pvp, just to waste covers,ISO,HP for rosters they already max.
The only possible answer is : D3P funded them to dominate top 10 PVP with the highest score possible to get rid of F2P or semi F2P players (like me).
Coz It simply doesn't make sense to waste thousands dollars for this unpopular candy crash game (No fame gained like dota or wow , no trading system that makes our investment back by selling items).
Well it's just my conspiracy theory, lol icon_e_biggrin.gif

So, congrats again and keep motivate for S5 guys! hop harder! min 2.5K on next season,we know u can.. yeahhh!!

LMAO,Peace out icon_mrgreen.gif