Idea for PvE 'Challenge Fights'

There are a lot of PvE fights where we are forced to use a specific character (or two after the Hunt) but most of the time the free space is filled with the same OP characters to win the fight anyway and it does not make much of a difference (for newer player it makes more of a difference as for the top dogs but that's not the point here).

I would like to go one step further and implement sort of challenges, were you are given a 3 man team that's fix for this challenge (if you don't have the character, a default version, otherwise you use your own) and have to battle a chosen other team with it. E.g. Hawkeye classic, modern storm and venom against The Hood, 2** Magneto and IW or whatever.

I think it would be fun to have to use new strategies and perhaps it would encourage players to level bad characters if the rewards for the challenges are good enough (or you have to beat challenge A first to get challenge B). It would also be a good reason to fight against other teams because usually the PvE is only against the Dark Avengers, and that's kind of boring after a while.

Also we need more permanent content ^^

If I had to classify it, I think it would be more of a mid- to lategame thing but there is the possibility to implement first a few easy ones


  • This sounds like a great idea. Although, I have to admit that when I saw "challenge fights" i envisioned more of a PvP dueling system. A system where you could challenge specific players and maybe even search for your friends. That kind of thing.
  • Honestly, I kind of liked the super hard Alaska mission because you had to use Invisible Handicap while you were fighting three super Dark Avengers. Granted, it would be more interesting if they forced you to use a character with actual abilities (I used her blue once or twice, but have still never actually used a green explody thingy with her), but being forced to fill one of your roster slots with a specific character was an interesting challenge.

    In other words, good idea.