Another player quitting

Benjermain Posts: 31 Just Dropped In
I have mostly enjoyed my time with MPQ (at least 6 months), but have found myself in danger of throwing my iPod in frustration for the last 2 weeks and since this game is supposed to be "fun" I am setting it aside.

Like the majority of players, I am disappointed in the thought process and implementation of True Healing and Team Ups. These are contributing factors to my discontent, but the not the main reasons. I know the devs are listening to the players, but until the patch is released I won't be subject to World Rupture, World Rupture, Supernova (all without the AI hitting the TU cost) from the AI. ANY testing at all would have discovered that is not "challenging" but straight up frustrating.

I hate the price points and the drop rates as well. I have done my part to support the game, the updates, and the devs without seeing any of that investment paid off. I am not going to throw any more cash at getting the covers I need to build a team that can compete.

My main frustration comes from the fact that I have been talking with customer service on setting up my account to play on iPhone for 2 weeks now with NO progress being made. Every 4 days I get an email advising me of something I can try to fix the problem. Every 4 days I have to explain that I already tried it and told them about it in the original email. I have seen this same issue come up a number of times in different forums and the answer is always, "contact customer service." To me that just means, "find a new game to play."

And I've been willing to put up with these frustrations and many more because this is a fun game with a great hook. But unfortunately is seems to be run by a company that doesn't value its player base. I didn't expect every feature to meet with my approval before it is introduced. I didn't expect my every complaint to be rectified. I didn't even expect to play a free-to-play game for free. I just wanted a response to my technical issue.