Web Bandages/AGD should prevent damage, not heal it

Kelbris Posts: 1,051
Not only would that make the abilities slightly more viable (as these could be used with full health; new shields would replace old ones and not stack)

But by nature, webs and anti-gravity devices should be STOPPING attack(er)s. What kind of **** web heals a severed arm? A spider puts a web up to make **** fly into it and get stuck.

"Oh look, a projectile. Thank goodness it's going to hit my web."

HOW DOES THAT NOT MAKE MORE SENSE. I'm not even going to touch an anti-gravity field healing. It makes people float around. I'm going to assume nobody flies during combat in this game, because there would be a lot more dodging of juggernaut headbutts.

It's like all of the logical reasoning goes into what tile colors fit a character's personality and wardrobe.

Could you imagine how much better Spidey would be if he functioned as a damage wall? I'd be a lot more cautious against Spidey teams compared to how I just eat them now.

Temporary healing doesn't make sense. Not being able to carry a web wall with you to the next fight makes perfect sense.

Tl;Dr it should function like armor


  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards

    (this sentence provides the minimum number of characters to post)
  • Agreed entirely. They basically are just shields, the just don't work at full health Probably wont happen because it involves work on the programming teams part, but it seems simple enough.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,328 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agreed. They nerfed Spidey, and then "True Healing" nerfed him even more. He's due for getting a fix to his now almost useless Web Bandages. In fact it should have happened upon implementation in the same way that BP and Storm got "fixes" when Team Ups where implemented.
  • I guess your proposed change from temporary healing to armor extends to the rest of the temporary healing abilities as well? She-Hulk's green is the other one. I agree that making them function like armor would increase their value. One little downside I can think of is that the ever-annoying Lieutenant and his morale boost would be even more annoying
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would prefer a different skill. Something that does damage based on web tiles instead of healing but that's just me. Also, in trying to make sense, you don't apply a bandage before a cut.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    I would prefer a different skill. Something that does damage based on web tiles instead of healing but that's just me. Also, in trying to make sense, you don't apply a bandage before a cut.

    I posted something when the Spidey nerf first came through. In that idea:

    Purple power is changed drastically, maybe needs a colour change. Make it an offensive power that's cheap, low damage and generates web tile/s. This represents a kind of rapid fire "Thwip! Thwip! Thwip!" of webbing.
    Yellow is essentially unchanged. Maybe lower the standard heal and increase the bonus heal from using up web tiles.
    Blue keeps the stun, and gets protect tiles. If < 3 web tiles in play stuns target, if 3 or more they are consumed and turned into "web shields" (x strength Protect tiles).
    I'd maybe play around with increasing the cost of blue slightly, and/or maybe making it target whole enemy team but only last 1 turn.

    Anyway, this keeps Spidey in a support role, but gives him some hybrid offensive ability. Creates a little bit of strategy around how to "spend" webbing, probably need to put webs on purple so you can't hoard them. It would also give us a character that really wants to chase Purple just about more than any other 3* so far.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    flnn1 wrote:
    I guess your proposed change from temporary healing to armor extends to the rest of the temporary healing abilities as well? She-Hulk's green is the other one.

    Not gonna lie; I often forget she exists.
  • Kelbris
    Kelbris Posts: 1,051
    I would prefer a different skill. Something that does damage based on web tiles instead of healing but that's just me.

    If they name it Lady Killer, I'm all for it.

    (Am I going to hell?)

    Personally? Leave this Spidey as a defensive monster.

    You want a Spidey who could whoop ****? Let's get Superior up in here. Parker doesn't want to kill anyone. Give me a blue/(maybe purple?)/red Octavius that is a straight up monster.

    Hell, make his third (not red or blue) be Spider-Bots, where in addition to whatever it normally does, add "reveal one trap if any are on the board" onto it. That'd make him unique.
    Also, in trying to make sense, you don't apply a bandage before a cut.

    Wouldn't be bandages anymore. More like a wall.