Stop increasing 2* pulls

It's been said before. I'll say it again. STOP increasing the odds of the featured 2* in pve tokens. You're already guaranteed a 2*, why are we increasing the odds further? It just decreases 3* odds far more than the featured 3* increase them. There is over a 40% chance of getting just the featured 2*. 2* are given out like candy anyway. It's a serious d!ck move, pure dirtbaggery, no esta bien. The odds of getting a 3* are highway robbery as it is. Stop screwing us.


  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Never spend HP on tokens or packs. Place well to get covers. Invest HP into slots and covers you want if you do spend money. I'm going now so good day, sir.
  • Never spend HP on tokens or packs. Place well to get covers. Invest HP into slots and covers you want if you do spend money. I'm going now so good day, sir.
    I don't buy tokens, that's madness. When I say it's highway robbery I'm just comparing the price to the odds.
  • Do you have proof that this decreases the 3* odds?
  • All's I know is that I haven't pulled a gold token for a very long time. Season 4 Heroic 10 pack netted me 0 3* pulls and all PvP tokens, only 2* characters. There may be some truth to the claims.
  • Bacon Pants
    Bacon Pants Posts: 1,012
    All's I know is that I haven't pulled a gold token for a very long time. Season 4 Heroic 10 pack netted me 0 3* pulls and all PvP tokens, only 2* characters. There may be some truth to the claims.

    I haven't pulled a useful 3 star token in over a month. Of course today I see the Gold symbol from a recruit token...And it's Lazy Cap...which was given out like candy when they introduced him. Figures.

    I am in token hell.
  • All's I know is that I haven't pulled a gold token for a very long time. Season 4 Heroic 10 pack netted me 0 3* pulls and all PvP tokens, only 2* characters. There may be some truth to the claims.

    I have been..I'm transitioning so yay fer me..*taps foot* but usually when I pull a bunch in row...I still hold there is something to hording token thing..
  • I'm not exactly sure but from what I remember, the increased odds of a 3* featured character correspond to decreased odds of the other 3* characters, while the increased odds of a 2* featured character correspond to decreased odds of the other 2* characters. For PVE event tokens, the featured 2* characters have increased chances while the rest of the 2* characters have decreased chances, with respect to a normal heroic token. So I think the total % chance for all 3* combined and all 2* combined is the same. Can anyone else confirm/deny this?
  • reckless442
    reckless442 Posts: 532 Critical Contributor
    I've said this in a number of posts, but they should make Heroic tokens 3- and 4-star only. The game is flooded with 2-star tokens since you get them for PVE matches and for standard covers, and it is not as if the game gives players a lot of Heroic tokens. This would also be a huge step toward helping players make the transition from 2-star to 3-star, particularly when we now have 24 3-star characters with a total of 70 different covers to collect between them.

    From Demiurge's standpoint, this could also be a significant money-maker. They could probably charge 6000 or 7500 HP for a 10-pack of Heroics and people would buy them knowing the worst they would get would be 3-stars. For players just making the transition, most of those 3-star covers would be usable, so it's a considerable savings (600 or 750 HP per cover versus 1250 to buy them direct). Even players with a lot of 3-stars might buy 10-packs on occasion to get missing covers, when the worst they would do is come away with 5000 ISO.

    This also would make the 10-pack prizes for the season feel like something you might actually want to get, rather than a bad joke when you pull 9 Moonstones/Bullseyes.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    All's I know is that I haven't pulled a gold token for a very long time. Season 4 Heroic 10 pack netted me 0 3* pulls and all PvP tokens, only 2* characters. There may be some truth to the claims.

    I haven't pulled a useful 3 star token in over a month. Of course today I see the Gold symbol from a recruit token...And it's Lazy Cap...which was given out like candy when they introduced him. Figures.

    I am in token hell.

    I'll be waving from the next circle over - my last non X-Farce gold reward was a BP cover about three weeks ago. The ISO from all the duds is nice but I'd like something useful occasionally too.
  • All's I know is that I haven't pulled a gold token for a very long time. Season 4 Heroic 10 pack netted me 0 3* pulls and all PvP tokens, only 2* characters. There may be some truth to the claims.

    I've pulled plenty. Got a high placement in a lightning round a couple weeks ago, and the two tokens both gave Gold. Gotten gold from PVE sub rewards as well, and 3 Gold from the Season 4 Heroic 10 pack (though that includes Baglady).

    A couple nights ago got 2 Gold from standard tokens earned for the 50p Lightning Round progressions, but I guess that's unrelated icon_e_smile.gif
  • I got 0 gold covers from my Season IV 10-pack also.
    I don't remember when was the last time I pulled a gold cover.

    I no longer get excited for heroic tokens. They are the same waste of time like the standard tokens.
  • At this point in the progression of a bloated 3* pool, they really should bring along a token that gives *** or better covers with an increase chance of ****. I'm not saying it should be handed out like candy, but I feel it should be there.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    MPQ posts the chances of any particular cover in the "Recruit" info. The increased chances of featured 2* is taken from the other 2*s. For a 3 cover 2* in "Hollowpoint Kiss" the chance of any particular character is 7.2%, in "The Hulk" the non-featured 3 cover characters are at 4.5% to make up for the whopping 14.4% on the featured.

    I crunch these numbers from time to time - add up the percentages to see the general percentages for a 2* or 3* from a particular token. The "Herioc or Better" tokens have the worst odds - 83.8%/14.1%/2.4% for 2*/3*/4*, but only by a bit. PVPs are generally 81.6%/16.1%/2.4%, and PVEs are around 80.7%/17.7%/2.4% - these odds vary a little as they add characters and they don't add up to 100% all the time which probably means they are off by fractions of percentages, but they give you an idea of the chances - a bit less than 1 in 5 tokens give a 3* or better. Yes, your chances are worst on the "Heroic or Better" tokens, but only by 2-3%. What's more, the 10 packs only decrease your chance of getting a 2* by 2-3% further, so they really make absolutely no sense to me at all.

    When I feel like it I spend 100hp on the daily deal "Heroic or Better" token. It's served me reasonably well, I think - it is a relatively small expenditure of HP that basically represents my donation to the game and I'm doing slightly better than average with them (77% 2*s so far.) Of course, I may think of this as a good deal as I would only throw away 3 covers at this point (Hood blue, PunPun black, IM40 yellow.)

    I looked at any other token buys and they strike me as sheer madness - for a "special" token buy with a slightly higher chance of a 2* or 3* you're paying twice as much. For the ten pack (and an increase of 4%,) you're paying 28 times as much. They really need to rethink these, 'cause I'm just going to plod along on my 100hp buy/day (at most.)
  • GrimSkald wrote:
    They really need to rethink these, 'cause I'm just going to plod along on my 100hp buy/day (at most.)

    I'd rather save 3x that much for a 24 hour shield which would allow me to get a top 100 or top 25 cover I want when I can't play within the last 8-12 hours of the PVP.

    I'm fine with spending 150HP on a buy-in PVP which guarantees at least one heroic though and you could potentially win much more. Actually only bought into one of those, and ended up coming in first - but I don't think my MMR would allow that again right now.
  • GrimSkald wrote:
    MPQ posts the chances of any particular cover in the "Recruit" info. The increased chances of featured 2* is taken from the other 2*s. For a 3 cover 2* in "Hollowpoint Kiss" the chance of any particular character is 7.2%, in "The Hulk" the non-featured 3 cover characters are at 4.5% to make up for the whopping 14.4% on the featured.

    I crunch these numbers from time to time - add up the percentages to see the general percentages for a 2* or 3* from a particular token. The "Herioc or Better" tokens have the worst odds - 83.8%/14.1%/2.4% for 2*/3*/4*, but only by a bit. PVPs are generally 81.6%/16.1%/2.4%, and PVEs are around 80.7%/17.7%/2.4% - these odds vary a little as they add characters and they don't add up to 100% all the time which probably means they are off by fractions of percentages, but they give you an idea of the chances - a bit less than 1 in 5 tokens give a 3* or better. Yes, your chances are worst on the "Heroic or Better" tokens, but only by 2-3%. What's more, the 10 packs only decrease your chance of getting a 2* by 2-3% further, so they really make absolutely no sense to me at all.

    When I feel like it I spend 100hp on the daily deal "Heroic or Better" token. It's served me reasonably well, I think - it is a relatively small expenditure of HP that basically represents my donation to the game and I'm doing slightly better than average with them (77% 2*s so far.) Of course, I may think of this as a good deal as I would only throw away 3 covers at this point (Hood blue, PunPun black, IM40 yellow.)

    I looked at any other token buys and they strike me as sheer madness - for a "special" token buy with a slightly higher chance of a 2* or 3* you're paying twice as much. For the ten pack (and an increase of 4%,) you're paying 28 times as much. They really need to rethink these, 'cause I'm just going to plod along on my 100hp buy/day (at most.)
    Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. On my iPod the daily deal is 200 hp. What are you playing on that its 100?
  • Once a day you can buy a heroic token for 100. On Android aswell.
  • Typhon13 wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    MPQ posts the chances of any particular cover in the "Recruit" info. The increased chances of featured 2* is taken from the other 2*s. For a 3 cover 2* in "Hollowpoint Kiss" the chance of any particular character is 7.2%, in "The Hulk" the non-featured 3 cover characters are at 4.5% to make up for the whopping 14.4% on the featured.

    I crunch these numbers from time to time - add up the percentages to see the general percentages for a 2* or 3* from a particular token. The "Herioc or Better" tokens have the worst odds - 83.8%/14.1%/2.4% for 2*/3*/4*, but only by a bit. PVPs are generally 81.6%/16.1%/2.4%, and PVEs are around 80.7%/17.7%/2.4% - these odds vary a little as they add characters and they don't add up to 100% all the time which probably means they are off by fractions of percentages, but they give you an idea of the chances - a bit less than 1 in 5 tokens give a 3* or better. Yes, your chances are worst on the "Heroic or Better" tokens, but only by 2-3%. What's more, the 10 packs only decrease your chance of getting a 2* by 2-3% further, so they really make absolutely no sense to me at all.

    When I feel like it I spend 100hp on the daily deal "Heroic or Better" token. It's served me reasonably well, I think - it is a relatively small expenditure of HP that basically represents my donation to the game and I'm doing slightly better than average with them (77% 2*s so far.) Of course, I may think of this as a good deal as I would only throw away 3 covers at this point (Hood blue, PunPun black, IM40 yellow.)

    I looked at any other token buys and they strike me as sheer madness - for a "special" token buy with a slightly higher chance of a 2* or 3* you're paying twice as much. For the ten pack (and an increase of 4%,) you're paying 28 times as much. They really need to rethink these, 'cause I'm just going to plod along on my 100hp buy/day (at most.)
    Whoa whoa whoa. Hold on. On my iPod the daily deal is 200 hp. What are you playing on that its 100?

    200 should be for event tokens, 100 for regular heroic tokens.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    kalirion wrote:
    GrimSkald wrote:
    They really need to rethink these, 'cause I'm just going to plod along on my 100hp buy/day (at most.)

    I'd rather save 3x that much for a 24 hour shield which would allow me to get a top 100 or top 25 cover I want when I can't play within the last 8-12 hours of the PVP.

    I'm fine with spending 150HP on a buy-in PVP which guarantees at least one heroic though and you could potentially win much more. Actually only bought into one of those, and ended up coming in first - but I don't think my MMR would allow that again right now.

    I do the same, though I try to finish in the last 8 hours of course. Every few months I spend $20 on the game.

    Also, I'm playing on the Andriod OS - as I said it is only the "Heroic or Better" daily deal that is 100, the others are 200.