12 hour sheild

I would love to see a 12 hour sheild, I would think the reasons obvious, sleep, ppl are not playing right before I go to bed (ok maybe sometimes I do) and then right when they wake up just to sheild & work or school, not all of us can play during the day.

Now my reason for why you should do it: basically I'd be more inclined to spend my HP (ie money, I do spend some cash on occasion) on a 12 hour sheild than others sheilds. I'm tired of watching my rank drop out of a cover on a day cover & feel I am being nickled and dimed to spend HP on 2 day covers that aren't used for the whole day, soi don't buy them. I'd feel I'd get better value (ie more inclined to spend) if there was a 12 hour sheild (for 200hp). I would feel that id be better able to advance which would keeo me playing longer (and there by incresing the more money I'd drop) I'd like to think I am not alone on this thought.


  • I don't know if it a good thing or a bad thing that no one has comment on this...yes this is just a shameless bump