Heroic token Adjustment?

With the rapid expansion of the character roster to include a ballooning number of *3 heroes, the Heroic token is not the fancy award it once was. It seems like the percentage to get a *3 cover never increases despite having more *3 characters in the game. While I won't get into how needlessly unfair I believe that to be and how it equates to D3 putting a thumb upside their nose at anybody trying to get by on F2P, I have a minor tweak for the Heroic token that might help maybe?:

When a Season flips over to the next Season, adjust the Heroic tokens such that the only *3 covers available will be characters that will be featured at some point over the course of the season. This doesn't include Lightning Rounds, this doesn't include Balance of Power, this doesn't include Buy-in events. This only includes PvP events that contribute to Season scores, and of course can't include any new characters that will be introduced that season. What does such a token shift accomplish?:

- It lets players with limited resources know what characters to develop. While it might reveal which characters will soon be featured, it certainly won't let players know WHEN a specific character will be featured.

- It lets players with a backstock of tokens know whether or not they should cash them in. If I only care about *3 Daken and he isn't in the Heroic tokens this season, I'll just bank my tokens for a Season in which he will be featured.

-I would hope it would slightly increase the chance of actually getting a *3 cover out of a token. To continually increase the number of *3 characters without increasing the chance of getting one is an exercise in tedium. When I go to a party, I don't expect there to be only one pizza regardless of how many people are at the party. You don't buy one pizza to feed 8 people, and then expect that same pizza to feed 30 people at the party you host next month (I hope people understand that analogy).

Thank you for your time and your consideration.


  • Or how about just adding a dedicated 3* token that guarantees you pull any current 3* or 4* character and make it only achievable as a progression reward in PvE or PvP? Getting one guaranteed 3* cover every now and then really doesn't affect players that much. Those who already have large rosters it might still be garbage cover and those who struggle with 2* to 3* transition one usable free random 3* cover might just be the incentive to keep going.

    Please devs, make those 3* tokens happen. If you're scared of their hit in your revenue just make them rare.
  • On a related note, remember that thing where the devs said people actually enjoy the gamble of not knowing if they're going to get a 3* more than they enjoy getting the guaranteed one? Does that piss everyone else off as much as it pisses me off? Devs, bring back the guaranteed 3* and give an option to turn it off. Nobody's going to turn it off, it's just going to expose that your little gambling theory is money-grabbing ****. My daily rant limit just got reached
  • RIGHT?

    Whatever focus group you use (if you use one AT ALL), doesn't count if it's got company reps on it, D3. Would the inverse be true? If it were some other game that the entirety of the staff were playing (it's one of the worst kept secrets in town that most of the Dev staff doesn't even play this game) and the business model were being warped continually like this, what would those Devs, as players, say?

    It should be pretty easy to adjust the guaranteed to be one, and EXACTLY one, cover of the featured character. It costs about $8 for ONE COVER (Canadian over here)

    For that $8, I could buy the ENTIRETY of some decent games from the 3DS shop. Pokemon Trozei is a comparable puzzle game, and it costs $8 for the WHOLE THING...
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    On the plus side they removed Bagman from tokens to keep the % the same when they added a character recently.