After $100 and 8 months, I quit

This game has been patched into IAP hell. Sure, you always needed to spend money if you wanted to speed things up, but this latest change is the final straw.

I can understand when they made skipping opponents cost iso, so that you couldn't cherry pick your pvp opponents without penalty.

I don't understand how they now made damage permanent so that you cannot heal characters in combat, thereby forcing us to wait or develop a more robust pool to draw from.

But worst of all, they've now made the AI do impossible things and cause more damage so that you HAVE to lose. How do I know this is the case? I just played a match with three fully healed, max level covers and LOST. Yes, from full HP to zero. What a #$%*ing joke. And I was playing against weaker characters. The @#$%#ing garbage the AI can pull now is obscene and coupled with the inability to heal and the penalty to skip, they're saturating an ALREADY IAP heavy game into IAP hell.

Luckily, that wasn't my $100. I won it from you guys. So HA. And congratulations, you've beaten your rising star into a rotting cash cow. You must all still be wow players to boot. GFY.


  • themoneymaker
    themoneymaker Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    been playing the game for a year now and its still one of my favourites, i don't think the changes are cash grabs i think they are trying to change their product and better it, for which i commend them for, i disagree with some of the changes too but i believe they are improving the game, do u remember the old game, few characters, worse ai, a pvp like once a week, and you had to tap a colour to see your abilities, little to no social aspect and therefore less rewards possible. as i stated before i disagree with some of the adjustments, patch thor and wolvie but not obw WHAT?! but I'm glad they patched those two because they were unbalanced my disagreement is with the standard required for patching that obw apparently doesn't meet, they aren't gonna be correct in the changes they're making and sometimes they make a little bit of a money grab but you know what i have-not spent a cent on this game, have a decent roster and have never had the need to buy any resource, which is much better than a lot of mobile games out there right now the iaps are unobtrusive which is great for a mobile game of this nature, and your argument of true healing being bad because now you have to wait, well this just adds another element of timing and the game is getting you to use a wider variety of characters, you even said that yourself i don't see how its a bad thing. Everyones in the same boat as you but in my opinion it makes the game more fair. AI do impossible things? if you're referring to the cascades its just luck i get them too but we probably notice when the ai does it and not ourselves cos its frustrating i think in that match you were either unlucky or maybe you're just bad icon_question.gif either way you're argument at the end of everyone being wow players, this isn't a grindy mmorpg so i don't get that but I've never played WOW so i guess i can't comment but from what I've seen the two don't coincide at all. Rising star to rotting cash cow? the games only adapting to its audience and getting better the IAPs are still the same and i can have fun without spending any money, its a shame you can't but it doesn't mean you should bag out the game so its not your thing anymore opinions make us unique, slander makes us ****
  • been playing the game for a year now and its still one of my favourites, i don't think the changes are cash grabs i think they are trying to change their product and better it, for which i commend them for, i disagree with some of the changes too but i believe they are improving the game, do u remember the old game, few characters, worse ai, a pvp like once a week, and you had to tap a colour to see your abilities, little to no social aspect and therefore less rewards possible. as i stated before i disagree with some of the adjustments, patch thor and wolvie but not obw WHAT?! but I'm glad they patched those two because they were unbalanced my disagreement is with the standard required for patching that obw apparently doesn't meet, they aren't gonna be correct in the changes they're making and sometimes they make a little bit of a money grab but you know what i have-not spent a cent on this game, have a decent roster and have never had the need to buy any resource, which is much better than a lot of mobile games out there right now the iaps are unobtrusive which is great for a mobile game of this nature, and your argument of true healing being bad because now you have to wait, well this just adds another element of timing and the game is getting you to use a wider variety of characters, you even said that yourself i don't see how its a bad thing. Everyones in the same boat as you but in my opinion it makes the game more fair. AI do impossible things? if you're referring to the cascades its just luck i get them too but we probably notice when the ai does it and not ourselves cos its frustrating i think in that match you were either unlucky or maybe you're just bad icon_question.gif either way you're argument at the end of everyone being wow players, this isn't a grindy mmorpg so i don't get that but I've never played WOW so i guess i can't comment but from what I've seen the two don't coincide at all. Rising star to rotting cash cow? the games only adapting to its audience and getting better the IAPs are still the same and i can have fun without spending any money, its a shame you can't but it doesn't mean you should bag out the game so its not your thing anymore opinions make us unique, slander makes us ****

    "AI do impossible things? if you're referring to the cascades its just luck i get them too but we probably notice when the ai does it and not ourselves cos its frustrating i think in that match you were either unlucky or maybe you're just bad."

    I'm almost certain he's referring to the AI gathering manna and team up manna out of thin air, which has been posted in this forum many times. Most others think the unannounced true healing **** (which was a nerf to Spidey and OBW) is not good and many players have left the game as a result. And yeah, I remember the old game. I used to be able to enter a PvP event and not be faced with maxed out 3* teams for the duration of the event. I used to have fun and so did the original poster, hence him quitting and letting D3 know how he feels. This is the feedback section of the forum, right?

    slander? What the hell are you talking about?
  • themoneymaker
    themoneymaker Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    ok maybe it wasn't slander apologies for calling it that i was clearly wrong but can we at least agree that this is no cash grab and the devs are at least trying at i realise this is the feedback section, I'm giving him feedback on his feedback icon_e_biggrin.gif I've never come across the ai gathering mana out of thin air so thats probably why i didn't think of it yea sometimes the AIs cascades make me think "Are You FKN SRS?" but I've had a few insane cascades too that weren't fair... maybe I'm just lucky and idk about you but i don't really see GFY as feedback
  • Everything is a cash grab. Profitability is the #1 goal of any business. I guess you missed the price increases of boosts, hero points, etc.. Through the life of this game.
  • themoneymaker
    themoneymaker Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    i meant in relation to some of the stuff on the app store thats completely P2W or those building games that are complete money grabs i.e. no gameplay whatsoever I'm saying from what todays games on the app store are like in terms of getting you to hand over cash for whats being advertised as 'Free' this games IAPs ik you disagree but this is my opinion are unobtrusive i am against IAPs though i think they should either give us the full game for free or sell it for a price upfront but because of the kind of game MPQ is i kinda let it go i just don't wanna see micro-transactions in console games cos that would just kill gaming all together and yea i did miss price increases most likely because i never buy fake money with real money i just don't see the point i get some people like to do it but i personally don't additionally i don't use boosts i didn't even know you could buy them so yea i did miss those
  • i put this game down just recently, it is not fun any more playing the same events over and over again, unable to compete with maxed 3 * char in pvp or pve, only able to play for 15 min at a time. i was able to play for hours and make progress in events before true healing, since then i rarely placed in the top 100 thus missing out of 3* rewards and force to depend on horrible odds of 2 * and 1* tokens. the devs need to remember that the game is only going to stick around if it is fun to play. To all the players who say the devs are making the game better, they are not. how can they when they limited how much we can play in one sitting by making us dependent on heal packs at 35min a piece? sure now your forced to use your b team then c team then fail team to extend your playing when you know you have stronger characters? the only change i liked was deadpool but by that time it was throwing sprinkles on a pile of ****. Me and my friends are moving on to a different game, going to try brave frontier. 6 months and $35 it was fun til the devs started taking it in another direction getting greedy. good luck to you all hope game gets better(but it is not).
  • You spent 35$ in 6 months? The original poster 100$ in 8? Please. Calculate how much money you spend on other things: console or PC games, movies, beer etc. and you will see how this game gives you plenty of bang for your buck in comparison. I hated the "true healing" mechanic when it was first introduced, why? Because I ALWAYS used OBW. Now? I barely touch her. I have plenty of guys on my roster that are better. The only thing I spend money on is roster slots. I built my team, joined an alliance, got better, then joined a better (great) alliance. Plenty of fun. The only time I considered quitting was the when the outrageous Team-up feature was introduced and the computer would hit you with consecutive World Rupters and down your whole team. I am sure this is what the original poster was referring to when he said game has become unplayable. It took a little while but they TOTALLY fixed it. Only ONE TU can be used by AI now and it is usually a weak version of it. This game is not perfect but it is great. You want to be endlessly entertained for free? That is absurd. Yes, to build up faster you must pay. But you can still build a strong team without spending a dime if you play smart and have patience. TRUTH.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    Protip: Brave Frontier is much, much worse.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    marx2299 wrote:
    This game is not perfect but it is great. You want to be endlessly entertained for free? That is absurd. Yes, to build up faster you must pay. But you can still build a strong team without spending a dime if you play smart and have patience. TRUTH.

    QFT. Especially the part in bold.

    This game allows you to spend as much as you like, or as little as you want.

    Proud to be a f2p? Great! Manage your expectations, that you will take months to get a fully covered 3*, and you will be ok. I have friends who are mainly f2p and they manage to get into the coveted 3* land
  • I have been playing for 10 months myself. D3 has done some good things and some bad things. Their primairy target is to make money. For example: they want to sell health packs, but al we do is story-mode healing. They come up with true healing, funny --> no, because my spidey becomes useless. If you like the game you play on, if you dont like it, you gonna spend your money on a different game (or not spending).
  • Protip: Brave Frontier is much, much worse.

    so far seems fun not sure in the long run i like to try new games and see if they are fun to play. One thing i know is that in that game you get way more bang for your buck as the resource is more reasonably priced, characters heal full after every series of battles no 1/2 health guys returning to fight in the next fight, when you level all resources replenish allowing you to play alot in the beginning ,the game guarantees 3*(of possible 5* out of 6*if that makes sense) heroes when using premium resource, events happen where it guarantees 4* heroes instead of the 3* when buying, reliable ways to get in game currency, daily quests that build up points earn rewards, able to play with friends heroes on your team. starts you off with a free 3* character, once you max character you can build up character to their next rank, the more you play the longer you can play as your resource grows every few levels some times in spurts. IF MPQ implemented purchase of 3* character tokens or events where 1* recruit tokens become 2* or 2* become 3* for a limited amount of time or even improved the odds of getting 3* tokens i would have still been playing. and to the the comment being endless entertained from a game is an absurd expectation? i was talking about a few hours at a time 1 or 2 typically maybe 3 hours at a time. Is 15-30 min all we should expect from free to play game? icon_question.gif Why are our expectations so low?

    DOTA 2 is a icon_eek.gif free game that is way more competitive, skill based so you can't pay to win unless you buy lessons(but there is so much info for free that that is absurd), you play against real people with friends, is team based, and icon_exclaim.gif endlessly entertaining on steam the next game is just 3-5 minutes away. If that was not good enough, if you are a player in the top skill range you can get a team together of highly skilled players and try out to enter an annual tournament where top prize is millions of dollars. not in game currency of minuscule amounts but real money. Being endlessly entertained is the least we should expect from a free game. It is all your poor expectations that doesn't put enough pressure on the developers to make a quality game. It would be in the the developers best interest to get the player to invest more time in the game so that they would in turn invest more in the company. if you look at my other post in the true healing i was seriously debating whether or not to purchase $100 of HP right before true healing was implemented because i was so invested in the game, i like the the marvel universe, and i can pick up and throw the down the game at my lesure. i left because it it just became a cash grab that didn't feel fun to play.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    so far seems fun not sure in the long run i like to try new games and see if they are fun to play. One thing i know is that in that game you get way more bang for your buck as the resource is more reasonably priced, characters heal full after every series of battles no 1/2 health guys returning to fight in the next fight, when you level all resources replenish allowing you to play alot in the beginning ,the game guarantees 3*(of possible 5* out of 6*if that makes sense) heroes when using premium resource, events happen where it guarantees 4* heroes instead of the 3* when buying, reliable ways to get in game currency, daily quests that build up points earn rewards, able to play with friends heroes on your team. starts you off with a free 3* character, once you max character you can build up character to their next rank, the more you play the longer you can play as your resource grows every few levels some times in spurts. IF MPQ implemented purchase of 3* character tokens or events where 1* recruit tokens become 2* or 2* become 3* for a limited amount of time or even improved the odds of getting 3* tokens i would have still been playing. and to the the comment being endless entertained from a game is an absurd expectation? i was talking about a few hours at a time 1 or 2 typically maybe 3 hours at a time. Is 15-30 min all we should expect from free to play game? icon_question.gif Why are our expectations so low?

    Brave Frontier is a lot of fun at first. I played free for about a month and then it's just a grindfest. "Oh, I need 3x Fire Spirits to evolve this guy, better go farm those", you'll fine yourself saying that a lot. There is a lot of variety in BF, I'll give it that, and outside of the very, very top percentile, it's possible to practically use anything you want until you start hitting dungeons that throw enemies of varying elements at you, then it really becomes a chore. I played in total about two months? It was fun while it lasted, but I won't go back.
    DOTA 2 is a icon_eek.gif free game that is way more competitive, skill based so you can't pay to win unless you buy lessons(but there is so much info for free that that is absurd), you play against real people with friends, is team based, and icon_exclaim.gif endlessly entertaining on steam the next game is just 3-5 minutes away. If that was not good enough, if you are a player in the top skill range you can get a team together of highly skilled players and try out to enter an annual tournament where top prize is millions of dollars. not in game currency of minuscule amounts but real money. Being endlessly entertained is the least we should expect from a free game. It is all your poor expectations that doesn't put enough pressure on the developers to make a quality game. It would be in the the developers best interest to get the player to invest more time in the game so that they would in turn invest more in the company. if you look at my other post in the true healing i was seriously debating whether or not to purchase $100 of HP right before true healing was implemented because i was so invested in the game, i like the the marvel universe, and i can pick up and throw the down the game at my lesure. i left because it it just became a cash grab that didn't feel fun to play.

    Try League of Legends. It's far more polished and has a larger player base. Gnar just came out and he's free-to-play for a few more days. Ton of fun. Never have to invest a cent until you want to. You can earn everything through in-game currency (except skins and some other cosmetics, I think?). If you do, add me, my username is v0geekay0v (those are zeros) and we can play some bots games and I can show you the ropes. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Try League of Legends. It's far more polished and has a larger player base. Gnar just came out and he's free-to-play for a few more days. Ton of fun. Never have to invest a cent until you want to. You can earn everything through in-game currency (except skins and some other cosmetics, I think?). If you do, add me, my username is v0geekay0v (those are zeros) and we can play some bots games and I can show you the ropes. icon_e_smile.gif

    More polished than Dota 2? I hope you're joking.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm definitely not joking and I feel like a lot of people agree with me since LoL has such a larger playerbase.

    (And for the record, I never said DotA2 was bad. It's not a bad game at all.)
  • I'm definitely not joking and I feel like a lot of people agree with me since LoL has such a larger playerbase.

    (And for the record, I never said DotA2 was bad. It's not a bad game at all.)

    More people play lol because it's easier to play than Dota2. It's also unfortunately a thousand times uglier, and uses the **** AOL-popup-style launcher I've ever seen.

    Also no, it's not free. You need money to pay for runes if you want to be above gold ever in your life.

    Popularity is not a measure of quality.
  • GothicKratos
    GothicKratos Posts: 1,821 Chairperson of the Boards
    ark123 wrote:
    More people play lol because it's easier to play than Dota2.

    How? It's the same game. The only mechanically difference is DotA2 has that convulted "Denying" 'feature'.

    ark123 wrote:
    It's also unfortunately a thousand times uglier, and uses the **** AOL-popup-style launcher I've ever seen.

    I'll give you that the old launcher was pretty mediocre looking, but AOL? Definitely hyperbole. That and the recent-ish changes to the launcher have it looking pretty nice. icon_e_smile.gif
    ark123 wrote:
    Also no, it's not free. You need money to pay for runes if you want to be above gold ever in your life.

    This is extremely erroneous - if it's even partially applicable, it's only applicable to Solo Queue, but even then, it's relatively easy to get five Rune Pages (one for each role) without spending a cent, especially by Level 30, which you have to get to before playing Ranked anyways. If I hadn't spent a bunch of IP when I first started on low-IP Champs to play Hide-and-Seek with some friends in Custom Matches, I'd have more than enough IP to get good Champions, Runes, and Rune pages and I haven't spend a single cent on the game.

    That being said, a lot of players don't even play, let alone care about Ranked Matches. I know plenty of people that don't even play Draft because it's "too tryhard". I also know plenty of people that only play Dominion or ARAMs because they find those more fun than traditional 5v5. I know plenty of people that like to play Twisted Treeline (3v3) over Summoner's Rift (5v5), and TT doesn't even have ranked play yet. I know plenty of people that only play Team Builder (it allows you to designate who and what categories play where on your team, which allows for not-so-meta gameplay choices, like a Tank mid lane or an Assassin Mage top lane) because they feel like that allows them to have more fun. Ranked is not life for most players.
    ark123 wrote:
    Popularity is not a measure of quality.

    Consensus is a good benchmark, even if it isn't absolute. Both games are free. Both games are of the same genre. Both games are easily attainable. They're easy to compare. Quality is not measurably absolutely regardless of any argument you want to make, only ethereally, because "quality" is in the eye of the beholder. Statistics and benchmarks aren't absolute either, but chances are you're a statistic. :]
  • ark123 wrote:
    More people play lol because it's easier to play than Dota2.

    How? It's the same game. The only mechanically difference is DotA2 has that convulted "Denying" 'feature'.

    when you die you lose gold as well making it unforgiving to new players
  • "AI does impossible things"?

    I get more cascades than the AI--and more AP.

    1. You must suck at puzzles.
    2. You must suck at strategizing (i.e. you probably never thought to make unmatched matches to prevent the enemy from getting AP).
    3. You must have no patience. I got into this game same-month it came out; restarted 3 times in three months before I figured out the game mechanics; and came to terms with the fact that I was going to have to either take out a mortgage to get maxed characters or earn it like I'm expecting the developers halfway want you to do.

    It's taken me nine (9) months to get my roster of every 1- and 2-star characters near-maxed-out--story events and taking chances in PvP/E or whatever--shutup, I'm still new. I knew when I got started that one season meant a few maxed characters to start. My 1's snowballed into 2's, which are now snowballing into 3's. I don't even have a maxed 3 yet and I'm top 100.

    You, sir or madam, suck at this game.

    This game does not suck.

    And lastly, this game is meant to be played little-by-little every day, getting a better roster every day. It's not like some game you can powerplay and level up constantly. You do the best your roster can do, max out rewards, get better and do the same thing the following season--getting better rewards. It's not difficult.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    Why are we arguing with a post from 2 months ago?
  • simonsez wrote:
    Why are we arguing with a post from 2 months ago?

    I had to stand up for the game. Just wanted to say that for the future for any people who are upset that the game takes so much time or money. No one should have anything left to say after this.