Which character cast TU info

russreid91 Posts: 151 Tile Toppler
I think I have seen something like this before with reference to goons but if it hasn't been mentioned then I think it applies to both TUs and goons. I would like to have some ability to tell which CD tiles have been cast by which AI character. This gives me the ability to target that character to prevent the CD tile from going off. Sometimes you know which one belongs to which if there is only one character that can cast an ability such as sniper rifle but if there are two that are still alive how do you know who to target.

With reference to TUs, I thought it was the character in front that was considered to have cast the TU but I just had a fight where I had Doom in front and a Flame Jet TU was cast, I killed Doom but the CD tile remained, I then killed Hawkeye who had been behind Doom and the CD tile disappeared.

If it isn't going to be the character in front that casts the TU then we need to know who did so that we can target them to get rid of the CD tile. This is really important with the amount of World Ruptures that I am seeing cast on me.

Thank you,