How is your defense team chosen?

edited December 2013 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Is it just by whoever your highest levels are?


  • FoxInSox
    FoxInSox Posts: 75 Match Maker
    The last team you fought with in each tournament (separately) becomes your defensive team for that specific tournament. Thus, you can have different defensive teams for shield training and the current featured event tournament.
  • So any time you use a team in a tournament, it converts your defense team to that same team? But the defense team isn't affected by non-tournament team settings?
  • FoxInSox
    FoxInSox Posts: 75 Match Maker
    If you are fighting in the No Holds Barred tournament and attack somebody with Thor, C Storm, and Wolverine, then that becomes your defensive team ONLY in No Holds Barred only when other players attack you. Likewise if you used Thor, C Storm, and Captain America as the last team you attacked with in Shield training, then they will be your defensive team in shield training. Per tournament the last team you attack with in that tournament is your defensive team.

    If you then play a different event with other teams, those do not affect your tournament teams. Keep in mind though that anyone you attack directly can retaliate against the team you attacked them WITH, not your general defensive team for that tournament.