Blue Hood cover stolen!

Najbolji Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
I just booted the game up after the server fiasco, and the first thing i saw was the (hard earned) blue Hood alliance award cover. Right after that the game restarted because I was apparently logged out. After restart I got the rest of the awards, but the blue cover was gone.

That's just unfair, losing the cover I need badly because of developers' tinikitty. Thanks anyway.


  • The same thing happened to me. Im really mad because the blue is the one i most want. Is there a way to get it back?
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Open a customer support ticket and explain clearly what happened. It may take a couple days, but they should be able to restore your missing cover.
  • Najbolji
    Najbolji Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    Guess their server crashing is everyone else's problem... Well, nothing new on that front.
  • deatheats
    I had the exact same thing happen to my Purple Deadpool Alliance reward. I entered a ticket this morning.
    Will update this thread when I find out if/when I receive the award.
  • jim1200
    jim1200 Posts: 51 Match Maker
    I mentioned this on a previous post awhile back. Same thing happened to me a few months ago and I emailed a customer support ticket. Waited a week without a response and had to send a reminder, but they eventually responded and got me my missing covers. You'll have to be patient and a little persistent, but you'll get those covers.
  • ih8uf
    ih8uf Posts: 46 Just Dropped In
    D3 has been helpful with each ticket I've submitted about losing rewards, including my accidentally selling my 1st red Human Torch cover...