Computer steals your mana when matching

I reported this issue earlier. The gist of it all is this: You have mana to activate an ability but you decide to wait, and when it's your turn again, suddenly you don't have enough mana anymore.

Now, the usual reasons for this would be that either OBW, Hood or some other character used an ability but this hasn't been the case.

Yesterday, I observed the bug again and can now clearly say what happens:

I had enough black mana to activate Punisher's ability. I decided to wait one turn. The enemy then matched black mana, gaining three black, and didn't activate any abilities. Neither OBW, Hood or any other mana-stealing character were present. At the same time, I LOST those three black mana! icon_eek.gificon_eek.gificon_eek.gif

So yeah, the computer not only miscalculates the mana it gets, but also STEALS mana right from your own mana-pool! icon_eek.gif

And this happens REGULARLY! Like in every tenth fight I play.


  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Are you 100% sure no AP-stealing Team-Ups have been used instead? And if that issue is consistent, you should take screenshots/videos of your fights.
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me - I'll see the "flash" as AP is added to the very end of the ability bars (i.e. not enough AP to use the ability, but very close, 1 or 2 AP away) and mistake it for the flashing effect that occurs when the ability is ready to use. Then I'm disappointed when I go to use the ability, and find that I need 1 more AP. Are you sure you had enough AP to begin with?