"Server Side Tweaking" or Stealth Patch?

I play on my phone and it makes it a pain to find out what Team Up disaster I am about to get smacked with...

Has anyone else noticed, this morning, not all teams you are facing are sporting 3 TUs anymore? I have been in several instances where (249/166/166) was carrying only 1 TU ability.

Next item on the list:

Has anyone else received TUs that are NOT in the fight? For example, beat up Patch, Mags and Hood... Lo and behold... Wait, what? "ferral claws"?

Maybe it's because it is in the "Wolverine Family"? Maybe they have randomized drops?

I for one know, I am getting much les Super Novas (team wipes) to the face after a perfectly time Berserker Rage... And in it's stead seeing more Ares Onslaughts and Molotov Cocktails.

Anyone else see anything similar?

Have you been checking the TUs against you that "you should really fear going off"?


  • Tonzil wrote:
    I play on my phone and it makes it a pain to find out what Team Up disaster I am about to get smacked with...

    Has anyone else noticed, this morning, not all teams you are facing are sporting 3 TUs anymore? I have been in several instances where (249/166/166) was carrying only 1 TU ability.

    I've noticed the AI getting random numbers of 1, 2, or 3 TU abilities since it launched (but they still mostly get 3). It is my understanding from one of the threads that it's a bug and going to be addressed at some point...

    I've never received a TU from a character that I've not faced directly in the match, though.
  • Well sentry teamups were heavily featured in the PVE, perhaps they are back to normal bell curve distribution out in the wild. I wasn't paying too close attention, but I was less angry at random teamups over the last while than the first day. Either they are tweaking things behind the scenes or, I am simply getting used to it. I really hope it is the first choice.
  • DecoyDuck
    DecoyDuck Posts: 620
    I fought a Patch, m.Mags, and c.Storm crew and got a feral claws TU. First time I saw a TU from a non-opponent.
  • Well sentry teamups were heavily featured in the PVE, perhaps they are back to normal bell curve distribution out in the wild. I wasn't paying too close attention, but I was less angry at random teamups over the last while than the first day. Either they are tweaking things behind the scenes or, I am simply getting used to it. I really hope it is the first choice.

    In the Oscorp Heroic, the AI was pulling from the pool of Dark Avengers only for Team-Ups.

    Well.... there are only so many Dark Avengers out there, so the odds of pulling a Sentry team up were rather high.

    Scary thought: Consider the odds of pulling a Sentry Team-Up in a DA match if there wasn't a bug enabling the AI to pull Team-Ups for characters in its active roster.... icon_eek.gif THAT would have truly rage inducing.
  • Zen808
    Zen808 Posts: 260
    Lyrian wrote:

    Scary thought: Consider the odds of pulling a Sentry Team-Up in a DA match if there wasn't a bug enabling the AI to pull Team-Ups for characters in its active roster.... icon_eek.gif THAT would have truly rage inducing.

    So... The AI dishing out SuperNovas like they're Hollywood reboots = "working as intended?"