Missing Award From Bad Is Good

Pentagoon Posts: 98
I submitted this to the support email as well, figured it can't hurt to double-post. My user name is: Pentagoon

I just finished the latest “Bad is Good” tournament and I’m missing a reward. I earned my way up to a top 25 spot in the last 2 hours of the tourney and started my last match with 584 points to play an opponent worth 23 points. I thought I started the match with plenty of time to complete it in time – the timer said 1 minute left and I kicked off the match and beat my opponent while the clock ticked out. When I finished my round, the victory screens were displayed and indicated that I had reached 607 points total. However, when I was returned to the main screen, I was not awarded:

Moonstone – Red
• 600 points in the progression rewards

I waited a minute or two and received my Top 25 awards just fine (2x Wolverine Red, 1 Wolverine Green), but the moonstone was never displayed. Can you credit that cover to my account?

Thanks for all you do – I’m a huge evangelist for your game.

-- \(*_*)/

FOR ICEIX: The wait time to receive awards after a multi-day tournament is expected - round have to finish, DBs need to populate, thousands of tabulations across multiple brackets, notifications have to be compiled and sent over the network, all that - I get it, but it's a pain point for novice users I'm sure. Progression Rewards come in instantly, so it's unexpected to have to wait for tournament rewards. It's a minor pain point that could be resolved with a handy "If you earned awards, they will be sent as soon as all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have reported back to home base and the battle results are compiled" message or something like that upon tournament end. Those of us who fight to the bitter end are your hardcore players and those few minutes can be AGONIZING - a lot like waiting to see the river in a tense Hold 'em poker match - IMO - the lows are crushing, but the highs are very high - luckily I've had more highs than lows so far. icon_e_smile.gif


  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    Pentagoon wrote:
    I submitted this to the support email as well, figured it can't hurt to double-post. My user name is: Pentagoon

    I just finished the latest “Bad is Good” tournament and I’m missing a reward. I earned my way up to a top 25 spot in the last 2 hours of the tourney and started my last match with 584 points to play an opponent worth 23 points. I thought I started the match with plenty of time to complete it in time – the timer said 1 minute left and I kicked off the match and beat my opponent while the clock ticked out. When I finished my round, the victory screens were displayed and indicated that I had reached 607 points total. However, when I was returned to the main screen, I was not awarded:

    Moonstone – Red
    • 600 points in the progression rewards

    I waited a minute or two and received my Top 25 awards just fine (2x Wolverine Red, 1 Wolverine Green), but the moonstone was never displayed. Can you credit that cover to my account?

    Thanks for all you do – I’m a huge evangelist for your game.

    -- \(*_*)/

    FOR ICEIX: The wait time to receive awards after a multi-day tournament is expected - round have to finish, DBs need to populate, thousands of tabulations across multiple brackets, notifications have to be compiled and sent over the network, all that - I get it, but it's a pain point for novice users I'm sure. Progression Rewards come in instantly, so it's unexpected to have to wait for tournament rewards. It's a minor pain point that could be resolved with a handy "If you earned awards, they will be sent as soon as all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have reported back to home base and the battle results are compiled" message or something like that upon tournament end. Those of us who fight to the bitter end are your hardcore players and those few minutes can be AGONIZING - a lot like waiting to see the river in a tense Hold 'em poker match - IMO - the lows are crushing, but the highs are very high - luckily I've had more highs than lows so far. icon_e_smile.gif

    Sorry, but if you're kicked to the main screen after your match ends, you almost definitely missed the window.
  • Pentagoon
    That's the thing that's weird about this instance. I've missed the window before, but it didn't display the screen that showed my final score as having incremented above the award threshhold. It's like getting defeated during a match and when it shows you your score, it's already subtracts that amount when it displays your updated score from that match. I hope I can get credit for that final score - guess I'll wait to see what customer support has to say.

    -- \(*_*)/
  • That's happened to me on numerous occasions during lightning rounds. It appears that the total score after every match is calculated by your phone (client side), so it's not actually what the server has your score as. Thus, the final score will only truly register once the server acknowledges your point increase, but since the tournament ended before you finished the match, the points kinda fizzled. Pretty much the server never knew you reached the point threshhold for Moonstone so it never sent her to you. I *think* that's how it works, well at least it's what i've been telling myself all those times i missed out icon_e_sad.gif
  • Pentagoon
    Thanks, glad I'm not alone in this. No official word from support just yet. I did however receive a Red Moonstone from a Heroic token over the weekend out of pure karma. Between that and earning 2 Punisher covers, I'm on MPQ cloud 9.

  • Pentagoon
    I got my reply from D3 Support and they said that I finished the round JUUUUST after the tournament ended so I didn't officially get the award. HOWEVER, being awesome, they spotted me a Moonstone Red for supporting their game - WOOP! I'll make sure to not push things to the last minute again if I'm trying for a progression award next time. I still stand by my suggestion about making those rules MUCH clearer. Some indication of "HEY! There's less than a minute left in the tournament and if you don't finish in time, you don't get credit for this round!" would help clarify that, either that or a client side check after the round completes to not display to the user credits they won't receive.

    I look forward to the days when Tournament play is more visible on their website and I feel truly like a part of the larger MPQ community in some kind of global ranking system.

    Thanks again for your excellent customer service and support her in the forums!

    -- \(*_*)/