Different LR's

Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
edited October 2014 in MPQ Suggestions and Feedback
D3P » Why don't you do different LR's!?


  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I agree. A ''2nd Wave' and '3rd Wave'' could start rotaring in. They could include: Captain America, Black Panther, Thor, Psylocke, Human Torch, Daredevil, Falcon, She-Hulk, Storm, Captain Marvel... By my count there are 10 3-star heroes that aren't getting the love of a lightning round feature.

    I see pros and cons about keeping the same heroes clumped together for rounds each time, predictability can be good, but having some new blocks of heroes can add some variety in a consistent way.
  • FaustianDeal
    FaustianDeal Posts: 760 Critical Contributor
    I am going to revisit a thread that I apparently killed without intending to in the hopes of drumming up attention for it. I think this change could serve 2 purposes, so let me outline the idea (which I am sure has been advanced elsewhere)...

    New Lightning Round flights need to be created. Existing flights can be left as-is or revised to shuffle characters to better align with the new flights of rounds.

    Current LR flights:
    Villians: Loki, Doom, Ragnarok, Hood, Magneto
    Heroes: GSBW, IM40, Patch, Punisher, Spidey, Hulk

    New flights could include:
    X-Men: Beast, Colossus, Psylocke, Storm, Patch, (Deadpool perhaps)
    Avengers: Captain America, Captain Marvel, IM40, Thor, Hulk, Falcon (this could also be a 'Super Hero Squad' lineup)
    Or Heroes 2 and Heroes 3: where you split 12 of the new heroes into groups of 6.
    Point is: we don't have to be picky about how these rounds are constructed, as long as new guys get worked in, and old favorites continue to be represented.

    If the Lightning Round tokens (the ones awarded for top-25+ finishes) were then revised to include only the heroes present in those rounds then this could partially get around the issues being encountered because drop rates have fallen due to too many 3-star options. This aligns very closely with suggestions I have seen to fix token drop rates by segregating heroes into token groups 'A', 'B', and 'C' - except it does so by binding them to an event structure that features them. If you want a higher chance of winning Colossus or Beast, compete in the X-Men LR flight when that one comes up (say, during the 2nd week of each month). This way heroes don't have to be "shelved" when they are rotated out of the heroic token lineup. It could even increase competition in the lightning rounds as this becomes the only avenue (for a few weeks) to still win, say: a Punisher card (for those of us still needing 1-green to finish a respec). If the drop rates for the feature heroes was set low enough these 'flight-specific' tokens could replace both the Lightning Offer and Heroic tokens in the rewards (extending all the way down to top-100 like the heroics currently do).

    Having new flights of LR would also, it seems, promote roster diversity; which is stated as a goal of the developers. If there were new rounds where there were benefits to playing different characters, this might help foster more diverse rosters.

    TL:DR - new rounds with new faces, use the reward tokens for the rounds to fix drop rate issues in heroic tokens
  • Houtro
    Houtro Posts: 464 Mover and Shaker
    whitecrit.png I hope they listen!
    Having new flights of LR would also, it seems, promote roster diversity; which is stated as a goal of the developers. If there were new rounds where there were benefits to playing different characters, this might help foster more diverse rosters.
  • In it would certainly be nice. The dropped the "dark reign" from the title to "advance" past that story... But then all they have is dark reign events. Getting real old.
  • New LR : Daken, Octopus, The Hood, Magneto, Sentry.

    Seems they have listened.