Exiting....can I donate?

I realized I haven't played this game in over a month now. Got burnt out after the Nick Fury events and too many changes that made the game feel like it was Jumping the Shark...see link for more detail. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumping_the_shark

I was one of the very first players of this game.. way way back in the day. Just check the date I joined the forum asking for help.

I've joined _underscore_ and had a blast with those guys. Here's to the best to them. *CHEERS*

I just can't keep up the hours required anymore. I will be exiting but lurking now and then. What I would like to know is...I have a pretty good roster...is there a way to donate my roster to a newbee just starting? I'm guessing not. but if so...I would like to do so. I'm sure someone would want a max level Hulk or Hood.

Anywho. Thanks for all the fish.