BP Black vs 2* Hawkeye

edited July 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
I play with Black Panther a lot. I just noticed though, in a fight against a team with 2* Hawkeye, that if Hawkeye dodges BP black the black will hit twice on another character. The opponent had a Wolverine I hadn't hit yet at 3,900 health vs my blacks almost 3000 damage.
I have a question though. Does the character you'll hit twice need to be directly behind Hawkeye? Does Hawkeye's position effect how or where the damage stacks? I believe I had Hawkeye in back with Wolverine in front, which is like being behind Hawkeye as they rotate around.


  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Does the character you'll hit twice need to be directly behind Hawkeye?
    I think that's how it works - whoever would be next in the rotation cops a double-dose if there's enough purple on the board for Hawkeye to scoot out of the way.
  • Thanks again.