Character suggestion: Permabuff environment AP

In The Hunt, Bow and Arrow Guy has buffed env tile values from 4.5x to 11.5x.

In Character Discussion, we have done a lot of theorycrafting about abilities that could make crapp--er, less popular characters like Modern Hawkeye and Loki more viable. Many suggestions require adding functionality to the game that isn't currently implemented.

One of the easiest tweaks to implement seems to be permanently increasing one or more characters' environmental tile multiplier, and have that be the character(s)' unique thing that they do. Presumably that'd be much simpler to implement than a totally new gameplay feature.

Reliably being able to hit Forest Fire once every match or so might actually make leveling a Loki or a Bow and Arrow Guy worth the trouble in that case. With Loki, there's still a random element there because you can't know for sure which environment board you're going to get with any given match.



  • I'd definitely like to see more variation in enviromental and critical multipliers. Everyone is too similar in those stats. it makes sense for some characters to take advantage of the environment more than others.

    I'd like to see more done with environmental tiles as well. I don't know what exactly, but it seems that control of the enviroment could be more of a tug of war than simply AP generation for an ability. If you have more environmental control, that could translate to a small buff. Not enough to make environment control the only goal of the match, but something small and useful. Then, using an enviromental ability would be more dynamic because you'd need to give up that buff. I guess it would be an environmental passive ability. Like in the lab, if you have 50 more environmental AP than the opponent, you get a 0.5 increase to your critical tile multiplier.
  • Well, Forest Fire is the ultimate in control. Tons of red, plus the enemy loses all their AP icon_e_surprised.gif If a Ragnarok/Thor team can hit you with that, you're in trouble. If a stunlock team hits you with this, you're basically dead. icon_eek.gif

    I still say that ability is just a little too cuckoo compared to the others...but I guess that's a different topic...
  • Absolutely, the forest is dramatically stronger than for environmental tiles then the other locations. That's one reason I like to fight there. Maybe the other locations just need a buff. Also, there should be an environment boost if they make it easier to scroll through boosts. You might see more Modern Storm.
  • I only would be in favor of this if some environmental effects got nerfed or we couldnt pick which stage to be in for pvp
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's kinda bananas that forest fire is by far the best 2nd environment skill, but also one of the cheaper ones (ditto the snow one, but that map is never up)
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    I only would be in favor of this if some environmental effects got nerfed or we couldnt pick which stage to be in for pvp can't choose stages now, so that's already there. And maybe Forest Fire *should* be nerfed. I dunno, it seems way too good IMO. It's definitely light years ahead of all the others.
    Spoit wrote:
    It's kinda bananas that forest fire is by far the best 2nd environment skill, but also one of the cheaper ones (ditto the snow one, but that map is never up)

    Yeah, there's also that. The most powerful ability shouldn't be the cheapest.

    I usually hate nerfs and prefer to buff underpowered stuff instead, but maybe Forest Fire should be nerfed. Or, other environment abilities buffed instead. Probably a little of both...
  • You can pick your stage lol. Bot right is city. Bot left is forest. Top is training room.
  • I always play city because its the safest.
  • Ha Ha, I always play the forest because it's fastest.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    Some characters should perhaps get different bonuses in different environments.

    Spidey, for example, is a City guy.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    Ha Ha, I always play the forest because it's fastest.

    I get hit with bad luck cascades into forest fire occasionally. Ruins your lightning round in a hurry. I can recover from narrow alley.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    Blue Shoes wrote:
    Ha Ha, I always play the forest because it's fastest.

    I get hit with bad luck cascades into forest fire occasionally. Ruins your lightning round in a hurry. I can recover from narrow alley.

    Oh, I'll still get those occasionally. For example, don't fight a modern storm with modern black widow or venom in the forest. If they get a thorned rose, you will be wittled away very slowly. My phone timed out twice before I was finally killed. It's the only time I see the AI spam powers. I went in thinking it would be a walk in the park. Nope. But the rest of the time I like the quicker matches.

    By the way, I am able to beat those teams. But if there's a fluke and they get going, they don't stop.
  • DumDumDugn wrote:
    You can pick your stage lol. Bot right is city. Bot left is forest. Top is training room. I even know *anything* about this game? icon_redface.gif
    Some characters should perhaps get different bonuses in different environments.

    Spidey, for example, is a City guy.

    I thought this would be an interesting way to go when I first started playing, but that would probably get way too complicated I'd think. Consider how under-documented the game currently is already. Maybe for much later down the road.
  • Blue Shoes wrote:
    But if there's a fluke and they get going, they don't stop.
    BaconMagic icon_cry.gif
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Also, why are environmental AP effected by the damage diminishing returns? I just had a critical enviro-match in a cascade that returned a grand total of 4 AP.

    The base enviro-AP gain for any character doesn't get lower than 3 per tile....
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    Also, why are environmental AP effected by the damage diminishing returns? I just had a critical enviro-match in a cascade that returned a grand total of 4 AP.

    The base enviro-AP gain for any character doesn't get lower than 3 per tile....

    Unlike other AP, you generate environmental AP in multiples per tile, rather than one AP per tile. You get the diminishing returns in cascades, but they are also multiplied by criticals. It's a tradeoff.

    I've wondered before what would happen if criticals multiplied regular AP generation as well. I don't think it would be pretty.
  • Maybe they can find some interesting synergy with C.Storm's powers and have it replace her yellow ability. Maybe have it be an improved/alternate version of M.Storm's red power the same way their green powers are versions of one another.

    Maybe make it similar to Classic Widow's black ability, which is a cool mechanic -- everytime Storm matches yellow, she gets an additional 2-3 environmental AP.
  • Unknown
    bumping this up
  • Unknown
    I come from a time when Environment AP was permabuffed in all events. PVE/PVP....

    Basically...You get 40AP a match + Crits makes it 160+

    Get a 5 gem in forest and match a forest tile. BOOM 30 Red AP.
    I actually like the City second ability. Wish I could use it more.