PC Version Menus and Account Linking

First, the problem. On the Steam (PC) version none of the menus will scroll. For example, when I look at the tournament rewards I see the top two categories, then 9/10 of the third category and there is no way to scroll down below that. Another example, on the boosts menu that is accessible prior to a fight, I see only six options, with about 1/3 of the righthand "cut off" and no way to scroll around (even though I have more than six different boosts collected). LAST EXAMPLE (and an important one) -- the resolution selection under options has no way to scroll, so I can't set it into 1920x1080. I've had to use "windowed full screen" mode instead. I've tried different resolutions and still no dice. I've tried mousewheel, arrow keys, numpad arrow keys, WASD, everything.

In summary, every part of the UI that scrolls around based on finger dragging on the mobile versions just has no way to scroll AT ALL on the PC version, making it impossible to access certain information.

Second, my questions:
1) HOW do we link the PC version through Facebook so that the save game and all progress will sync across all devices. (I like to play on PC mostly, but I also have an iPad and Android phone.) I can't see to get a step-by-step explanation of this process other than "send a report and it will get manually linked" without any detail about what to do first (IE, do we go ahead and link the mobile version, do we go ahead and establish a PVP name for all versions)?

2) Once the accounts are all linked, does any IAP stuff sync across everything? If I buy 600 hero coins through Steam and then another 600 through the Apple Store IAP, am I good to go with 1200 total or is this going to get screwed up?

3) Since Facebook linking seems to be the only way to backup the save, what happens if I buy some in-game currency, DON'T link my account, and then uninstall the game or break my device? If I reinstall, will I once again get all of the currency I bought?

Thanks in advance for anyone who is patient enough to read this and answer any/all of these concerns.


  • Um... click and drag to scroll. Just like you were using your finger on a touch device. At least, that works for me.
  • @fatcatfan: I could have sworn that I tried that as well, even though it's not exactly an ideal way to navigate with a mouse/keyboard interface. Now that you mention it, I'm not 100% certain I did. I'll give it a shot when I get home this evening and will laugh if it works. Thanks for the suggestion.

    Any insight into the questions?
  • 1) IceIX has stated this pretty explicitly a few times. Link mobile to FB. Proceed far enough on PC to create a PvP username. Send email/support ticket with PvP names from both and facebook account email address. Mobile save data will overwrite PC save data. Right now, the only way to link to FB is for d3p support to do it manually in the database, and there's some uncertainty whether they are still doing that at all. (see the MPQ Beta thread in General Discussion)

    2) As stated, this is generally an account replacement, but if you bought something both places support is great and I'm sure they'd make sure you didn't lose anything you bought with money.

    3) If I try to go to the screen to purchase HP/ISO on PC, I get an error that it can't connect to Steam or similar. So difficult to answer that question. Based on what others have said though, PC version is not currently making use of Steam cloud saves, so anything not linked to a FB account will likely be lost if reinstalled/etc. D3P support could probably recover what you lost if you know the PvP name associated with that account.
  • 1) I'll give it a shot. I sort of pieced that method together from the many posts on the subjects that I read, but I couldn't find anything direct, concrete and all-inclusive. I guess I'll just not play on PC any more at all until I find out whether they can/will do it since the save data from the mobile will overwrite the PC anyway. I'm surprised this isn't something that was a feature out of the gate, though. I doubt anyone has any desire to maintain two separate accounts or to split the money they will spend between two accounts.

    2) Hm. I'll just refrain from buying anything until/if they link my accounts I suppose. I could probably just spend it on the mobile version, but then if I never get to sync with the PC version I'll just end up rage quitting forever as a result. icon_e_smile.gif

    3) It seems to me that there has to be some sort of online verification for the currency purchases. If the data is all just stored locally, then what would stop me from just hacking my local files to edit my HP/ISO totals rather than buying them for real money? I would think that the same method of verifying actual purchases would automatically restore them upon the first connection after a reinstall. I'm surprised here, too -- I would think that if the game requires an active connection, then they would just store account data on their servers (like every other online game) and avoid all of these problems from the start. Oh well.

    ***EDIT: And I just found the post by IceX about the beta and linking accounts that you were referencing -- it seems that the mobile overwriting the PC save is the default position, but it said "unless otherwise requested". It doesn't sound very hopeful that the practice will continue, but we'll see. I've sent in my request.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,320 Site Admin
    1) I'll give it a shot. I sort of pieced that method together from the many posts on the subjects that I read, but I couldn't find anything direct, concrete and all-inclusive. I guess I'll just not play on PC any more at all until I find out whether they can/will do it since the save data from the mobile will overwrite the PC anyway. I'm surprised this isn't something that was a feature out of the gate, though. I doubt anyone has any desire to maintain two separate accounts or to split the money they will spend between two accounts.

    2) Hm. I'll just refrain from buying anything until/if they link my accounts I suppose. I could probably just spend it on the mobile version, but then if I never get to sync with the PC version I'll just end up rage quitting forever as a result. icon_e_smile.gif

    3) It seems to me that there has to be some sort of online verification for the currency purchases. If the data is all just stored locally, then what would stop me from just hacking my local files to edit my HP/ISO totals rather than buying them for real money? I would think that the same method of verifying actual purchases would automatically restore them upon the first connection after a reinstall. I'm surprised here, too -- I would think that if the game requires an active connection, then they would just store account data on their servers (like every other online game) and avoid all of these problems from the start. Oh well.

    ***EDIT: And I just found the post by IceX about the beta and linking accounts that you were referencing -- it seems that the mobile overwriting the PC save is the default position, but it said "unless otherwise requested". It doesn't sound very hopeful that the practice will continue, but we'll see. I've sent in my request.

    1) If you didn't see already in the main thread: If you haven't been linked by now and have requested, send me a PM with your user info for mobile/PC and your FB link email if you have it and I'll forward it directly to CS.
    2) If you spent on one then it gets overwritten, we can still see that old account and confirm the purchases. So at worst, we'd have to go in and toss those overwritten points at the other account.
    3) There is online verification of purchases, yes. You can also edit things manually fairly easily on the client side. The downside to doing that as a player is that our servers monitor that kind of thing and don't play nicely with accounts that tend to cheat like that.
  • IceIX wrote:
    1) If you didn't see already in the main thread: If you haven't been linked by now and have requested, send me a PM with your user info for mobile/PC and your FB link email if you have it and I'll forward it directly to CS.
    2) If you spent on one then it gets overwritten, we can still see that old account and confirm the purchases. So at worst, we'd have to go in and toss those overwritten points at the other account.
    3) There is online verification of purchases, yes. You can also edit things manually fairly easily on the client side. The downside to doing that as a player is that our servers monitor that kind of thing and don't play nicely with accounts that tend to cheat like that.

    The fact that you are on the board actively responding is a great sign. Hopefully my faith in the Puzzle Quest franchise will prove to be well-placed!

    1) I did find the main thread referencing that stuff shortly after another user informed me of its existence (in general). I did send the request this morning. I'll PM that information to you immediately as well. Once that is active, the PC version will automatically sync with the Facebook save the same as the mobile versions, and then I can do IAP for currency from anywhere? (If so, that is excellent.)
    2) Luckily I am new enough that I haven't made any purchases yet. I will just wait until the linking gets done then buy some. It's great to know that there's a method available to make adjustments though.
    3) I'm glad to hear this. Given the semi-PVP nature of the game, I would much rather cheating be eliminated and I do hope that your methods of ensuring an income stream work. I assume that the server-side software logs to total amount of both currency types earned while playing online and purchased via real-money transactions on any given account then compares that total to the total amount of currency spent and in possession, then runs up the red flag if the totals are different? (I find more "value" in the bits of data that I can't edit on a whim than those that I can... thus my preference for online games and closed servers. I feel like I'm building something as I play.)
  • *** Update to the menu situation if anyone cares: clicking and scrolling around (as if it were a touchscreen for the mobile device) does move menus. This seems to work for everything except the resolution selection in the settings. I'm still stuck using "windowed fullscreen" because 1920x1080 is too far down on the list and I can't scroll down. I'm not terribly concerned about it, though, since windowed fullscreen mode looks fine and I'm not playing the PC version any more until it gets wiped and linked up with my mobile save data. icon_e_smile.gif
  • One last update -- my PC and mobile versions now seem to be synced and are updating one another nicely via the Facebook file save. I shall now proceed to purchase copious amounts of in-game currency. Thanks for the help, IceIX!
  • Another update and question... (NECRO'D! But with good reason.)

    I just installed the game on my laptop, and it doesn't seem to be pulling the Facebook data like it does from my desktop system. IE, my phone, ipad and desktop Steam installation sync fine, but the new installation on my laptop won't.

    Any ideas?
  • Just in case anyone has the same issue, I solved it myself by copying the save files for the Steam installation (from the /users/whatever/AppData/Local directory) to the new system. If they implement Steam Cloud at some point this should happen by default -- apparently the "linked" status is embedded in the save file somewhere in addition to on the game server side, which makes sense.
  • IceIX wrote:
    1) I'll give it a shot. I sort of pieced that method together from the many posts on the subjects that I read, but I couldn't find anything direct, concrete and all-inclusive. I guess I'll just not play on PC any more at all until I find out whether they can/will do it since the save data from the mobile will overwrite the PC anyway. I'm surprised this isn't something that was a feature out of the gate, though. I doubt anyone has any desire to maintain two separate accounts or to split the money they will spend between two accounts.

    2) Hm. I'll just refrain from buying anything until/if they link my accounts I suppose. I could probably just spend it on the mobile version, but then if I never get to sync with the PC version I'll just end up rage quitting forever as a result. icon_e_smile.gif

    3) It seems to me that there has to be some sort of online verification for the currency purchases. If the data is all just stored locally, then what would stop me from just hacking my local files to edit my HP/ISO totals rather than buying them for real money? I would think that the same method of verifying actual purchases would automatically restore them upon the first connection after a reinstall. I'm surprised here, too -- I would think that if the game requires an active connection, then they would just store account data on their servers (like every other online game) and avoid all of these problems from the start. Oh well.

    ***EDIT: And I just found the post by IceX about the beta and linking accounts that you were referencing -- it seems that the mobile overwriting the PC save is the default position, but it said "unless otherwise requested". It doesn't sound very hopeful that the practice will continue, but we'll see. I've sent in my request.

    1) If you didn't see already in the main thread: If you haven't been linked by now and have requested, send me a PM with your user info for mobile/PC and your FB link email if you have it and I'll forward it directly to CS.
    2) If you spent on one then it gets overwritten, we can still see that old account and confirm the purchases. So at worst, we'd have to go in and toss those overwritten points at the other account.
    3) There is online verification of purchases, yes. You can also edit things manually fairly easily on the client side. The downside to doing that as a player is that our servers monitor that kind of thing and don't play nicely with accounts that tend to cheat like that.
    Is the linking of accounts not happening any longer? I just received the following from a support ticket:

    We are not linking the Mobile and PC versions of Marvel Puzzle Quest at this time.
    This was something we did attempt during the beta phase, but we are not doing it in the live game.
    We will continue to look in to this feature and may add it in a future update.


    D3Publisher Support Team
  • yeah, they're not doing it anymore, because the game is "full" or "complete".

    What a joke.
  • Well that makes perfect sense, now that the game is "released," who would want to link it up. I'd rather pay and play in multiple places! icon_rolleyes.gif
  • hey, I was wondering if you guys could help me link my account to my mobile, since I have way too much time and money invested to just let it all go to waste, so if you can help me link these then I would appreciate it.