My next 166

edited July 2014 in MPQ Tips and Guides
Day 245 and I am posting my first "who to level?" question!

Current 166 roster is C Mag, Hood, Punisher, Thor and Patch.

I have the ISO and covers to max one of the following:

Steve Rogers


With ISO in the bank I can bring the following up to their cover max of 140:


So, what do you think I should do?


  • Hulk can generate green for your green baddies, and is a pain to defeat (takes forever to kill).
    Black Panther matches well with Thor, and they're a scary team to face due to their AOE abilities. If you could take him to 166 instead of just 140 I would've gone for him all the way.
    Cap Am is great on offense yet bad in defense.

    The rest... meh.
  • The way the game has gone, either Hulk or BP.

    People do NOT like fighting Hulk, he isn't super good or anything, but with his high health and anger making AoE attacks not a viable attack option (see punisher for instance), he is often skipped, he's beatable...its not as knee jerk 'skip' as a max Sentry per say, but when it comes to 'easier fish' he's a great deterent.

    BP just friggin HURTS

    IM40 is 'meh' high mana use, just a battery and I can find more uses for the slot he takes up (see Hood).

    Psylocke is like Pun, I just find Punisher to be 'better'. Her blue is pretty useless.

    Steve Rogers is actually pretty piff. He hits HARD with his red, and his blue is now pretty good since it leaves like a 200+ defense tile. But Hulk is scarier to face despite him being IMO stronger.

    Torch is more of the same for you, he'd step on the toes of Thor and Patch and Punisher.
    - Unreall