where my rewards?

jack1990 Posts: 10
i get 512 Rating in SHIELD Versus but dont get reward for 450 (100 Hero Points) and dont get reward for 500 ( Storm ). This reward only for VIP player or what icon_question.gificon_exclaim.gif


  • Are you sure you didn't receive them before? Once you get the reward once, you can't get it again.

    It would be nice if they greyed out the rewards as you receive them so we know where we left off.
  • no, after 400 (Iron Man) i not receive any rewards from SHIELD Versus, with reward from other place i dont have problem now
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Please send an email with the same info you placed into the ticket to mobilesupport@d3p.us. It's the same place that the feedback ticket goes, but this'll be a second mail and it gets sorted into a different inbox folder. At worst, can't hurt to do.

    Also, I'm slightly annoyed at myself that I just used a copy/paste response from that other thread on the same thing.
  • send icon_arrow.gif
  • what with my problem? i still not receive rewards, and now other reward from SHIELD Versus useless, because game not send me rewards from this event =(
  • It's my rewards and I need it now!

    Sorry, I couldn't help myself.