Standard Recruit Token drop rates?

So, after finishing some last minute grind for the PVE sub that just ended, I had a few of the standard recruit tokens to dump into ISO. Walked away with 3* Thor green and 3* Human Torch black, making 3-4 recruit tokens better than my 10 packs from three PVP seasons. Anyone else noticing better drops or did I just get blessed by the Random Number God?


  • And lo did RNGesus look favorably upon them and lo did he thus bless them with covers that lackethed thine bagmen.
  • Marvelous
    Marvelous Posts: 52 Match Maker
    Oh hell no!!!!!!.. I feel the exact opposite (and so do my team mates). I have had recently approximately 15 silver tokens and roughly 5 gold. AND EVERY SINGLE one produced 1 star covers or the occasional 2 star that I already had maxed out. Before this I would have at least gotten two or three 3 star covers with that many tokens.. it now appears silver no longer gives out 3 star and the rates have DROPPED DRASITCALLY to almost comically levels.. (no pun intended.)
  • Leugenesmiff
    Leugenesmiff Posts: 401 Mover and Shaker
    I've kept a count am am at 41 straight standard tokens with nothing higher than a 2*. I've asked my alliance to let me know if someone gets a 3 or 4* from a standard token since it's been so much longer than normal for me and no one has gotten gold in some time. I haven't read that drop rates have changed so this could just be a run of bad luck. It's not like the devs would do something to make resources/covers harder to come by.
  • I last day open around 18 standard tokens and had two very useful Gold from them... so is likely you only have bad luck
  • dr tinykittylove
    dr tinykittylove Posts: 1,459 Chairperson of the Boards
    The token drops rates are a lie. While standard tokens do give mostly 1*, in the past week I've drawn 1 Bag-Force 4* and 2 3* (both unusable). Meanwhile, 3 out of 3 event tokens for The Hunt have given me Ares, making it a 100% rate.

    I almost feel like should build a second Ares, but considering as my next roster slot will cost 500hp, I better just collect Bagman so I won't be too sad when TPTB release a new character and I have to abandon Bagman in the woods.
  • Token drop rates in general are annoying. My buddy that I started with gets a 3* with just about every Heroic-esque token. I finish higher than him in just about every event but he's wayyy ahead of me in the 3* race because he pulls them left and right, including some in Standard packs.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    I started tracking on 6/20. I'm 1 for 147 with getting a 3*+ out of standard tokens.

    Of course, in that same time I've been running scorching hot with the 2* tokens, so I'm good.

    Definitely much easier on my personal sanity since I started keeping track.
  • ive been cashing in my tokens at 25 a pop and ive gotten 1 3* for each batch. I tried to do 50 at one time as well and got 2. ive only done this 5 times (125 tokens) though so not sure how accurate that is.. icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I think its just RNG being an absolute P.I.T.A as usual...

    I've noticed with standard tokens its like playing the slots in Vegas, depending on your luck you can either get a lot of gold cards, or end up with a whole lot of nothing...

    I recently pulled a gold 3* from a standard token after a bit of a drought, and now it seems im back in that drought waiting for the RNG Gods to smile down on me and gimme some of those gold covers i desperately need icon_lol.gif
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,704 Chairperson of the Boards
    Computers are actually very bad at generating honest-to-goodness random numbers. They tend to get stuck in trends - so the overall effect is that the numbers are random but only in the very long run. In the short term, you'll get a long run of bad luck until it gets to the point of ridiculousness, then you'll get a run of good luck. Of course, we tend to notice the bad more than the good.

    I've been tracking my standard covers for a while now (I'll update the shared master spreadsheet in a bit.) Out of 383, here's my current breakdown:
    Stars - Covers - Percent
    309 ---- 80.7%
    *** ---- 11 ---- 2.9%
    **** ---- 0 ---- 0%

    I actually didn't think you could get **** on a standard token, but did someone here say they got one? If the chance is less than 1%, then getting 0 out of nearly 400 is still definitely well within the range of possibility.

    Incidentally, I'm on one of those "bad luck runs" right now. I haven't gotten a rare in over two weeks and I haven't gotten a ** in the last 20 or so...
  • GrimSkald wrote:
    Computers are actually very bad at generating honest-to-goodness random numbers. They tend to get stuck in trends - so the overall effect is that the numbers are random but only in the very long run.

    Agreed - which is why I save up tokens to open in bunches. When I have 50+, I will start opening 5 at a time. If I get good draws, 5 more. Bad draws and I wait a day, let the trends change.
  • My standards are in a really bad spot right now. Out of the last 50 opened, the best was a 2* Thor that was quickly sold for ISO. Guess it's time to just bank them, wait a couple of weeks, and see if there is any kind of improvement??

    Also, that 2* Thor was the only 2* drop out of the bunch.