Can You Remove the Cover Expiration Date?

I'd like to suggest the removal of the expiration date from covers in the cache. Six days isn't always long enough for me to earn enough HP to buy a new cover slot, especially with ever increasing cover-slot prices.

I think this would help 2* players like myself transition to a 3* roster. Currently, if I pull a new 3* character from a token and I don't have enough HP to get a roster slot, I either have to sell off a 2* or 1* character or sell off the new 3* before it expires. If the expiration date was eliminated I could hold those 3* covers in the cache until I had enough HP to get a new roster slot and had enough covers to make the character playable. Right now I have about six 3* characters in my roster with just a single cover, and so they're pretty useless. If I had the option of leaving them in my cache until I had more covers, I could use those slots for some 2* characters that I could actually use in the game.


  • Unknown
    BlueFish wrote:
    I'd like to suggest the removal of the expiration date from covers in the cache. Six days isn't always long enough for me to earn enough HP to buy a new cover slot, especially with ever increasing cover-slot prices.

    I think this would help 2* players like myself transition to a 3* roster. Currently, if I pull a new 3* character from a token and I don't have enough HP to get a roster slot, I either have to sell off a 2* or 1* character or sell off the new 3* before it expires. If the expiration date was eliminated I could hold those 3* covers in the cache until I had enough HP to get a new roster slot and had enough covers to make the character playable. Right now I have about six 3* characters in my roster with just a single cover, and so they're pretty useless. If I had the option of leaving them in my cache until I had more covers, I could use those slots for some 2* characters that I could actually use in the game.

    This is a F2P game, this is a way to encourage you to spend some $ and support the developers. As a thought though, if you don't have enough HP to buy a new Roster slot, you'll need to resist the temptation to open a token. Alternatively, sell off your weakest 1* character as you'll be receiving heaps of those covers. With the level shift, if you're transitioning to 3*s, then most 1*s will be useless
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Yes, I´m sorry man but previous poster is right. You need to spend around 40,-€ to buy HP to pay for roster slots. Then you will have room for all heroes and you will be able to place in tournaments to win more HP. Or at least I did this. I suppose it could take months to develop your roster variety without spending some real cash. Developers are smart, they know how to drain money from us.