PVP Suggestion

I will file this one in the will never happen category but here goes anyway.

What if in addition to the active nodes there was a list of people "targeting you" which could mean they have you in one of their nodes or are actively attacking you. Then give the option to take someone from the list and put them on one of your nodes. Set it up so people who are targeting you because you attacked them (and have a retaliation lined up) cannot be added to a node, we don't need any abuses where you target the same person over and over.

-At the top end this would give the elite a much easier route to find and target each other instead of burning thousands of iso.
-It would give a face to the zombie horde, and actually let people make informed risk/reward decisions for when to shield based on how angry the list looks at any point in time.
-Would let people play with the meta, and see "safe" times to play and see when activity picks up but with advance warning so you can actually react to it instead of merely try to regain your losses.
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  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    Crypto, you must really hate the server hamsters.

    I'd prefer to get rid of retaliations on nodes and just have a separate list of retaliations available. Like swipe to the left and have a different retaliation node hub, or the like. If they can't get PvP scores to update in near-real-time, then there is no possible way that you could have a list of people mass-skipping past you. And considering that most matches take under 5 minutes to play, and server-client refresh times are often in excess of 5 minutes, information would never be accurate.
  • Unknown
    I knew this one would never come about but liked the idea anyways. What if i give up the list and only have a number that refreshes once every couple of minutes? Think of the metagame! and by this I obviously mean the game of trying to see how high you can make the number go.