True healing: One Week later Poll

so what do you guys think now that we have had the change for a week
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  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,762 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still hate it but also Meh.. I am preety easy going and I don't mind playing with my full roster compared to just a couple select people. The true healing still needs some tweeking.
  • I like the change, It's been forcing me to use a wider range of my roster. Everyone is in the same boat so placing in events has gotten slightly easier since I have a wide roster.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I still hate it, but placement is easier (though even before hand, 1k was usually enough for top 5 regardless)
  • Spoit wrote:
    I still hate it, but placement is easier (though even before hand, 1k was usually enough for top 5 regardless)

    While my verdict is still out (I marked 'dont know yet'), I am leaning far more positively than I was, because it seems easier to place. The total points have gone way down, and that is a good thing. Now if they can only adjust the progression rewards down to compensate for that, we will be good to go.
  • Particularly for the current PvE I still find it annoying, especially since of the 8 playable characters four were more or less useless with higher-levelled opponents and Puisher was kinda reserved for the PvP. But otherwise I really appreciate the faster healing. That took ridiculously long before.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Hated the change but I'm getting used to it.


    Removes my control of my play time
    Lost the strategy involved in trying to end every fight at full health


    I have a LOT less defensive losses as people skip to find easier teams to attack. So I no longer lose 200+ points overnight.
    Leaderboards are a lot less volatile now. Both in PvP and PvE I don't get pushed down nearly as much.
    The Level Shift change has now made several of my 3*** characters with 9 covers look like better teams than Ares/OBW. Of course, the best way to beat a OBW team is still with an OBW.

    So I guess from the perspective of "winning" the game and doing well in events, it has been a positive for me. In terms of overall fun it has been a negative.
  • Mawtful
    Mawtful Posts: 1,646 Chairperson of the Boards
    Love the faster regen out of combat.
    I almost think that would have been enough to live with true healing, but now the extra 25 levels means an extra 40 minutes (based on previous 5800 max health 3*'s gaining an extra 1000 health).

    It is what it is.
  • It doesn't matter to me because I don't play much anymore.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    I still think removing in-match healing was overkill - that's an opinion that's not going to change.

    But I'm speaking as one of the "slightly less boned" by the change than others might be. I at least had Punisher, CMags, Patch and Psylocke to a more or less usable level before it hit and I was just using OBW for her synergy with the strike tile generators.

    On the upside I don't think I've lost a match to an overreaching 2* team since the change so there's that.
  • Still not a fan of True Healing ™ and although I really liked the faster health regen outside of battles, the whole level shift business kinda made it a bit underwhelming. One week later and I already lost 20% of my alliance due to this change. The good news is, it's only a five players alliance. I'm still sad though.
  • avs962
    avs962 Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
    As someone who never used OBW outside of PVE events when she was powered up (and I rarely play PVE anyway, since it's all just reruns of underwhelming events), and never had the patience to use Spider-Man regularly, I love it. I only benefit by the change. I understand how it kinda sucks, but I have zero issues with it personally.
  • My main issue is how much it cuts down on my ability to play for any reasonable length of time. My MMR is getting to the point where even with significant tanking I'm more likely than not to see 166 teams, which means unless I get a lucky cascade or board state, it's rare for me to get through a match without taking significant damage.

    I used to play events in one long rush on the last day, but I'm beginning to think I may be forced to start taking it in smaller chunks over the two.

    Also: as I predicted, LDaken/Patch are now absurdly valuable for their true healing, and 'temporary' healing abilites are worthless in battle.
  • IamTheDanger
    IamTheDanger Posts: 1,093 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have only benefited from true healing. I never used OBW or Spidey anyway. Also I have every character available so I am able to switch out heros as much as I like. I know some of the charaters are worthless and I use them less than I used OBW or Spidey, but I have them anyway just because they are there to have. So playing for me is pretty much the same.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Voted "meh" because it doesn't affect me personally since I stopped prologue healing long ago and wouldn't run OBW in PVP if my life depended on it.
    And I lack the empathy to put myself in the shoes of people who probably are affected and need to adjust their playstyles.
    So, meh from my perspective, and my perspective alone.
  • Polares
    Polares Posts: 2,643 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can't vote any option icon_razz.gif

    I think there should be an option like "Healing in prologue had to go, but I don't like how they did it". I think a lot of us didn't like prologue healing, but right now some characters have been nerfed becuase of this change (Spidey and OBW specially).

    I think what D3 should do is, If you begin a battle with X points you can heal more than those initial X points, but all you heal before that level should be permanent for next fights.

    So for example:
    - A player begins a combat with OBW with 3000 hps and Spidey with 4000 hps
    - During the fight OBW gets to 2500 hps and Spidey to 2200 hps
    - OBW fires AGD and heals the team for 700 hps, so now she has 3200 hps and Spidey 2900 hps
    - They win the fight
    - But for the next fight OBW will begin with 3000 hps (the max hit points she had when she entered the last combat) and Spidey with 2900 (he has lost some hps, but not to the 2200 level).

    This way you can not prologue heal, but healing powers are still meaningul.
  • All the change did was force me to play few times in burst along day to recharge packs rather than being able to do it at once for 1-2h a day. Well, it would force me if I didn't care anymore, I can bear daily grind, but I'm not getting shackled to 3 hour leash. I still see only teams with OBW. Almost. Sometimes you can see somebody thinking they're 'smart' and using Mag/Storm to prolong or something. I don't mind that, love stealing easy points and getting maybe third damage and way less change of damaging ability getting off vs tank/obw usual. Who doesn't love no-risk matches?
  • I haven't really seen any change, either positive or negative. I quit relying on healing a few months ago, so I had no problem with the change.
  • I am reserving judgement till I see what next steps D3 takes. Yes this change has reduced my playtime, but has shaken things up and made them modestly more interesting. So I am a meh, this kinda sucks but if they look at how this has changed things and use that to move the game forward in a positive direction then I would say totally worth it.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Voted meh.

    Didn't change much for me. I had already started changing my habits to hit the 2:24 refresh in PvE an extra time per night, which is 3-4 health packs worth of downtime (little less because it takes time to clear nodes). PvP I'll switch characters when they get to a 2hr heal refresh 2160 pts.

    If anything, the coinciding level boost is making it even easier. My 53 panther which I never touched is now a 78 panther that's usable, which means one more character I can burn through.

    I suppose if I never played PvE I'd be more annoyed, but OBW is still a beast, so still don't think it would hurt that much.
  • SaintJimmy wrote:
    Spoit wrote:
    I still hate it, but placement is easier (though even before hand, 1k was usually enough for top 5 regardless)

    While my verdict is still out (I marked 'dont know yet'), I am leaning far more positively than I was, because it seems easier to place. The total points have gone way down, and that is a good thing. Now if they can only adjust the progression rewards down to compensate for that, we will be good to go.

    Yah this. IT actually has made the game feel less demanding of my time which is nice. I'm not freaking out like 2 hours before an event ends trying to grind up- I play for a while every day and don't worry that the last 2 hours of a tourney/event without me closly monitoring is going to equate to me dropping like 30 places or more. And the addition of the 3* rewards for top 100 and not just top 50 in the PVP has been a huge help too- and honestly so has the leveling change- my roster feels a lot stronger.

    That said I agree progression rewards are tougher now, and I am really hoping I can still make the 5000 pts to get my heroic 10-pack for season 3. I ended the last 2 seasons with plenty to spare but that was because every PVP ended in me grinding my way up to like 600-700 pts in the last 2 hours to try and make the 50th place cut-off.

    That said, I was in the position of (prior to the level change) just having (3) 3* characters that I had leveled up to 100 or more, and it took a lot of grinding to get there. So the level change was the big decider for me- now that my roster is stronger with a big boost to 3* and 4* characters I can actually play a larger amount of characters. And honestly it is more fun doing that and exploring new team-ups than it was just using the same 3 characters over and over.