Forced update w/ PVP Reward popups open - now they're gone

Kavel Posts: 85
I play on a cell phone with poor reception at work so hadn't updated the latest patch this morning. Hitting skip was annoying, but let me play. Finished top 5 in Army of One and set the phone down for a bit. When I picked it back up and opened MPQ again, I was greeted with the PVP rewards popup but couldn't click anything to claim them because the white popup telling me to update overrode anything. There was no option to skip the update for now to claim the PVP rewards, only an "OK" button to update.

So I click update and see that the patch is 85MB (**** for a 3-line patch note update, but anyway) so I know that will take hours over my cell data connection. So I traipse to a place with wifi. The update hasn't budged so I stop the update and restart it now that I have WiFi. Still not showing any progress after a few minutes, so I close out the app and restart the phone. Then update goes smoothly, but when I open MPQ I get alliance reward popups, but nothing for all the rest of my individual PVP rewards. My Roster shows 2 Dooms (1 blue, 1 black), so I guess I got one black individual reward cover somehow, but never got the other covers, the big ISO reward, or the HP reward. My Army of One scoreboard on my VS screen doesn't say "rewards pending" anymore, so I'm wondering what happened.

Can someone at MPQ please respond? I sent in a ticket as well. I busted **** in this PVP to finish top 5 and right now I'm sitting with a 500ISO reward.