Unable to use Thorned Rose while stunned

In a current match IM40 just got stunned by recharge. I have enough AP to use thorned rose, but it won't let me. Spidey and Rag are still awake, should be able to use it.


  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,331 Site Admin
    fatcatfan wrote:
    In a current match IM40 just got stunned by recharge. I have enough AP to use thorned rose, but it won't let me. Spidey and Rag are still awake, should be able to use it.
    Nice, haven't seen that one since before we launched. Fixed that ages ago while dinosaurs roamed the Earth but it appears to have come back.
  • Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to post about it. It's not only Thorned Rose, but any Environmental skill. What is more, Env skill become usable only after you use other skill, at least in my experience.
  • Nemek
    Nemek Posts: 1,511
    I've seen this too. Wasn't sure if it was the same recharge bug, though.
  • I don't recall, it's possible the last bit of EO AP was gained as a result of match that occurred when a recharge counter disappeared. In that case, it could very well be the same recharge bug.
  • Never experienced this because I never use env skills icon_lol.gif
  • Thorned rose is important to keep my team's health up. My Spidey still needs 5 blue AP per web. icon_e_smile.gif