The computer is a cheating tinykitty

I know that things are "random" and that the AI is purposefully "dumb", but when you have a game where in 1 turn they slide into 4 5ways with 2 more created off cascades (plus the use of Thor dropping every power at will). Needless to say my whole fresh team was dropped in one turn.

The RNG can go tinykitty itself.

And for all the "but the player can do the same thing..." and "why are you wearing live possums belted to your feet." know that:

1 - this is just a vent to keep me from hurling my phone
2 - the only time I ever get anything remotely similar is mStorm/Thor on desert and that map never gets used anymore. icon_razz.gif
3 - they keep the bugs outta my feet and give me +2 to kick damage.


  • Unknown
    Yes, yes it is. Nearly every time I fight moonstone I get the **** cascaded out of me after she used GRAVITY WARP! That is one tile cleared, regularly turning into large cascades