WrathOfAsgard Recruiting (Recruitment Open)

edited August 2014 in MPQ Alliances
WrathOfAsgard has one open spot available to replace a retiring member. We are a top-50 PvP alliance that also places very well in PvE. What we're looking for:

*600+ per PvP event, preferably more.
*Participation in PvE. There are no minimums, but preference will be given to the best overall scorer to apply. Participation in ISO Brotherhood a definite plus.
*Willingness to join alliance chat on LINE.
*Communication if you can't make an event. We're strong enough to make top-50 with 19, and are usually willing to carry a contributing member for an event, but you MUST communicate.
*Positive attitude. No drama, fighting, or public complaints about other members please. I'm willing to address any and all concerns privately, no need to create a negative atmosphere.

If this sounds like your kind of team, PM me and we'll talk. Hope to hear from you.
~GrevenRache, WrathOfAsgard
