The roster expansion system is becoming inadequate

I recently started a new account and realized how inadequate the roster expansion system is, especially when moving to the 3* field. The problem comes from the high amount of different 3* characters, the high cost of new roster slots, and the lack of ways to obtain any particular hero's covers. Let me start by explaining the current distribution of covers.

Pvp events is the bigger source of 3* covers for, I assume, mostly everyone. These are being heavily rotated. By that I mean that you won't or rarely see the same hero being featured in a pvp event within a small interval of time. With the number of heroes we currently have, this interval of time might very well span over more than a month.

A starting player will have a restricted amount of roster slot available to fill with a 3* hero. So he might decide to chose 3 specific characters. Also, since he's new to the game and don't really know which character will be the most useful for him, because let's not kid ourselves, not all of them are equally good, he would probably just recruit the first 3* he'll get.

So our new play got space for these few sub-par characters, and before he has the hp for 3 more, a lot of time will pass. His life goes one and he completes a bunch of pvp events where he wins one or two 3* covers in each. But then he realizes he's never getting the same 3* he already has. The timer on the covers he obtained passes and, before he can buy new roster slots, they disappear.

This is a very frustrating experience. Not only can't he upgrade the characters he already have, because he;s never getting covers for them, but he also have to see the covers he's wasting his time to gain disappearing. Perhaps he should buy hp for real money to expand his roster, which I will assume is the plan, but also perhaps he should quit playing this frustrating game.

The game is changing over time through characters being released, but some aspects of the game are remaining constant, like the cost of roster slots. The relation between part of the game changing and other parts remaining constant causes the experience provided by the game to change over time. If we isolate only the features of the game being talked about here, starting playing this game a while ago was less frustrating then starting playing it now.

I will assume developers' goal isn't to create a more frustrating game experience, but rather to retain its new, or old, for that matter, players. It is a better longer goal. A solution to the difficulty for newer players to recruit new characters and preferentially upgrading the ones they have should thus be pursued.


  • I couldn't agree more. The roster slot pricing needs to be re-examined to allow transitioning players room for growth. Currently it punishes those who do not hoard or buy HP.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Guys restricting new players to only being able to buy multiple roster slots for the same price as it would to buy them individually is for their benefit. icon_e_wink.gif

  • Pesto_Aioli
    Pesto_Aioli Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    It would be a bigger benefit if you didnt have to pay to unlock characters you already have to earn.
  • chamber44
    chamber44 Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker

  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 1,963 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2020
    **Mod note: Locking thread. The game has changed quite a bit over the years so in order to avoid confusion we ask that you start a new thread. Thank you and welcome to the forum @Pesto_Aioli. :)
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