Restructure PvE Rewards & Point Structure

babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor

1) Knowledge of the in game systems and bracket structure allows players to 'meta-game' events and receive maximum rewards for minimum effort relative to other players.
2) Rewards in PvE quickly feel meaningless and self-defeating once the 4 node rewards have been awarded.

Proposed Solution:
- Remove all timers from nodes
- Make all point values of nodes consistent
- Each repeated attack on a node increases the level of the A.I by a set amount (determined by the devs based on the difficulty of that node).
- Refresh the rewards as you progress through the event

Examples to Illustrate:

PvE (easy node) Analyst + Soldier + Lieutenant:
1st time against AI: Reward is 100 points - Level 40
2nd time against AI: Reward is 100 points - Level 60
3rd time against AI: Reward is 100 points - Level 80
4th time against AI: Reward is 100 points - Level 100
5th time against AI: Reward is 100 points - Level 120
so on and so fourth forever...

PvE (hard node) Daken + Bullseye + Sentry:
1st time against AI: Reward is 300 points - Level 60
2nd time against AI: Reward is 300 points - Level 75
3rd time against AI: Reward is 300 points - Level 90
4th time against AI: Reward is 300 points - Level 105
5th time against AI: Reward is 300 points - Level 120
so on and so fourth forever...

Benefits of this Change:
1) PvE is no longer about playing the meta-game but rather about who earned the most points playing at whatever pace they felt comfortable over the course of the event.
2) There is a feeling of natural progression. Matches always get tougher as you work towards the best score possible.
3) Rewards must always be present for the effort put into it. (explained below)

Make it so rewards are always present with each victory. No more burnout or self defeat after the 4 node rewards have been earned. How this is executed is completely up to the devs as there are tons of ways to accomplish this. A couple of simple solutions....

1) Fixed rewards based on node type.
- Easy nodes reward a flat 100 ISO every time
- Moderate difficulty nodes reward a flat 150 ISO every time
- Hard nodes reward a flat 200 ISO every time

2) Maintain existing node reward system but simply 'refresh' all 4 node rewards once they've all been earned

3) Implement same reward system we see in PvP per node