Suggestions for Roster Diversity and Revenue Boosters

Feyda Posts: 105
Roster Diversity

1.) Have characters gain exp in PvP battles (no prologue exp grinding). That way people will bring in their low and mid levels to in order to level up and spread the exp out. Iso could still be used as a form of free exp.
2.) Get rid of healing altogether... Heal the team to full after each match, require health packs to revive downed team members from the battle. People wont use healers if they don't NEED to use them which opens up the support slot to the lesser used support cast or to put a 3rd attacked into the lineup.
3.) Stop forcing people to use the featured hero in tourneys. Keep them boosted so that its a no brainer to use it if you have them high leveled, but it sucks having a level 23 slot in any given tourney.
4.) Boost some of the heroes that EVERYONE considers useless. Stop rolling new characters and fix the ones you already have.
5.) Introduce "Next Tier No Holds Barred" tourney. No restrictions but 2* characters are boosted 35%.

You want ways to make money? I can IMMEDIATELY think of several ways that would increase revenue streams for MINIMAL effort that would NOT piss off your player base

1.) Monthly Subscription - $10 a month, all ISO and HP gains are increased by 50% for 30 days. Bonus 10 pack of heroic cards each month that you subscribe
2.) Re-skins for Heroes - People pay money for the shiny! Put in a pink TuTu for Patch and I guarantee you people would buy it just for the lulz factor
3.) Introduce a Headquarters system - Let people pump HP and Iso into building a headquarters complete with upgrades that provide periodic bonuses. These could include anything from a module that gives you color boosts every 12 hours to a "simulator" that lets you play tough bounties every couple of hours for bonus exp or ISO (restricted rosters, capped levels, the possibilities are endless). Might even make more sense for the Headquarters to be an alliance feature where all members can contribute HP and ISO to help develop it.