Limit PVP losses during active play

FaerieMyst Posts: 319 Mover and Shaker
This morning I spent 14 minutes playing PVP. When I started I had 1018 points. When I finished I had 858 - and I won the three matches that I played.

This sort of situation is a constant discouragement. I play a lot and I spend money (lots). I don't mind spending on shielding but I shouldn't have 5-6 losses while I'm actively playing a match. If you limit how many times a team can be attacked when unshielded this would still encourage people to shield but wouldn't discourage them from even trying - particularly the last 12 hours of an event.

A team should not being playing more than one match at a time - even if the AI is the on doing the playing. I don't mind fighting an uphill battle. I mind having boiling oil poured down the hill while I'm doing it.


  • Unknown
    I agree. Just now I won 60 points off three opponents and lost 84 to two others in the meantime. Luckily I shielded straight away, or else I would have lost another 70. This is really getting absurd. Why should I even bother playing when in the time it takes to accumulate a half-decent score I lose more than I can possibly win? icon_mad.gif
  • Unknown
    I totally agree, and have agreed with this wish since I started playing six months ago.

    The question is how to limit the attackers? What solution would work?

    I think we should skip the whole "3 matchup system". Instead of getting three opponents, you get only one. You either fight him or skip him. While he is in your matchup, only you can attack him, each matchup is unique. If you neither fight nor skip him he'll vanish when you exit the game or when 15 minutes has passed, whichever comes first (to prevent people from finding their alliance friends and "holding" them to prevent them from getting attacked). Skipping an opponent won't cost iso but tournament points, so when you skip someone, you lose one point and they gain that point. That is the price of skipping, which will also show people how many times people skip them. Imagine waking up and starting the game, to see "+25 bonus for being skipped".

    This was only one way to do it but I'm sure such unique matchups is the only way to go. For instance, if I participate in any sort of real-life tournament, I get an opponent and I fight him or yield, then I get another opponent. PvPs should work the same way.
  • Unknown
    I like your thought but can't give people points for being skipped..just no. I like the lose one point for a skip but those at the top of the leaderboard would ~~HAAATE~~ that being implemented. Might be funny to watch. icon_e_smile.gif
  • Unknown
    I agree as well
    Maybe a fix can be a cool down timer for AI matches
    It shouldn't matter if you win or lose
    That way if a player is active they can still accumulate points vrs someone who is not active but has excellent cards and
    Everyone skips him.
  • Unknown
    How about the attacker still gets between 1 and 50 points for a win, but the attacked player loses no more than, say, 10 or 15 points regardless of his playing progress? That way people would still shield, they would still get attacked and lose points when unshielded, but the losses wouldn't throw players back quite so far and thereby take a lot of fun out of PvP. Also, I think this would be easy to implement.
  • Unknown
    Unfortunately they wont do that because the progression system is tailored to it being close to a zero sum game after 300 pts. And even if we only lost 1/3 the points we would still need to earn that many more because scores would skyrocket, by a lot.
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    I seriously hate the PvP loses. It's completely infuriating! Case in point, I leave the game for an hour or so and lose tinykitty 200 points!!!! Ridiculous! Worst part, I'm only at 400 points. Why am I losing that may points at 400??? If I was at 1100+, I would understand that more, but still be seriously upset. Plus, I'm losing to people that have all the characters maxed out and I lose 30 points! Just because they're only at 100 or something low doesn't mean they should take that many away from me when they clearly have a way better team. Needs fixing for sure! Your amount lost should correspond with the opponents level of characters, not how many points they have in that tournament.
  • Unknown

    I also do not like PVP losses, but I do not see the need to reduce the amount of attacks you suffer. This should be an active game and people have their strategy. Of you think you cannot win another, shield until the end. I suffer with this also, but if I want to be comfortable at a position I just extend my shield and so not play more.
  • Unknown
    in short, that is what you paid for. As long as money keeps rolling there will not be any change that is good for players.
  • Unknown
    Nellyson wrote:
    I seriously hate the PvP loses. It's completely infuriating! Case in point, I leave the game for an hour or so and lose tinykitty 200 points!!!! Ridiculous! Worst part, I'm only at 400 points. Why am I losing that may points at 400??? If I was at 1100+, I would understand that more, but still be seriously upset. Plus, I'm losing to people that have all the characters maxed out and I lose 30 points! Just because they're only at 100 or something low doesn't mean they should take that many away from me when they clearly have a way better team. Needs fixing for sure! Your amount lost should correspond with the opponents level of characters, not how many points they have in that tournament.

    At least then lobby for the right thing: for a 'bye' system. That high MMR makes you enter not at 0 points but much higher (I'd go all the way to 700 proportionally with the rate). That would
    - attach some benefit to high MMR that currently is pure penalty
    - push back tanking
    - skip the trivial/boring phase of climb
    - remove that very problematic case as 85s would enter well below 166s and would be beaten only if climb to high points