Please make more of these New Game Enhancements!

Yes, the healing change is a great idea! I think that you need to put more of these New Game Enhancements (NGE) in play! To make the game even more diverse in roster play, could we have it that if you are attacked in pvp that you lose health as if you were In Any other combat? Just think of how much more exciting it would be for players! Also, for another NGE idea! how about having players lose ISO when they lose a match! either by retreating or by knock out. And if a player has zero ISO, they have to pay hp to unlock those covers again! That would be a great NGE! Also, why not just get rid of the free health packs all together? It would be a great NGE to make players either pay for the advantage of healing (much like shields) or make us wait to continue ue!

I'm sure that there are many more NGE ideas that you cam come up with, so come to us with more! No NGE has ever done any damage to an game before!!!