Removing a member from alliance

My alliance made a request (actually three tickets) to Support to have an inactive member removed. That was 4-5 days ago and still nothing. Are there other alliances experiencing the same delays in requests? We have removed one more member in the past and Support responded within hours which was great, but it seems they follow the example of the dev team. For every good change the bring 2 bad things in the game. I hope they start doing their job because it is affecting the placement of the alliance in both pvp and pve and there is nothing we can do about it.


  • Dauthi
    Dauthi Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    You can't remove a member? Or is this about removing a commander?
  • Unknown
    Dauthi wrote:
    You can't remove a member? Or is this about removing a commander?
    It is about a commander who is MIA for 3 weeks and Support is ignoring for some reason our emails. I have sent 2 emails so far and at least 1 more member has sent 1. If it's taking them 3 months to give alliances a decent variety of management tools, we should expect very little progress in the future.