Diversity tournament: Boost 1* and 2* levels to near 3*

So, I saw the post from IceIX justifying True Healing as a way to promote roster diversity and it got me thinking: what if we had a tournament where the playing field was more level between 1*, 2* and 3*?
I propose a Diversity tournament where 1* characters are boosted by 70 levels (to a max of 120) and 2* by 45 levels (to a max of 130). 3* and 4* are unaffected.
In this way, 3* players will still have a small level advantage over 2* and 2* over 1*, but suddenly the vast majority of a player's roster becomes relevant (except Bagman, he'll be a joke even if boosted to level 500) and we would have a lot more choices when it comes to team composition. This would be an excellent opportunity to see some real interesting combinations of player teams.
Headbutt from a level 110 Juggernaut? Ouch!
Wind Storm from a level 130 Classic Storm? Delicious!
Onslaught and Sunder from a level 130 Ares? YES PLEASE!

Additionally, in order to provide you the developers with the ever important cash-flow, you could pair this tournament with Diversity tokens which cost 50% more HP but have double the standard drop rate for 3* (bringing the 3* drop rate to roughly 35%, if I'm not mistaken). I get the impression these would sell like hot cakes.

However, I would impose 1 restriction: no Jungle or Desert terrain, as Modern Storm is all kinds of overpowered on those arenas.


Edit: potential names for the event: "Royal Rumble", "All-Star Smackdown"