Power Up/Power Down

GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
Again in the spirit of 'diversity,' there should be the ability to power down/ power up abilities, with your power up max limited to the number of covers you own. I'd equate this to a typical RPG where a weaker strength weapon might have a special power you need for a specific battle.

You could then carry a 5/5/5 character, still with a maximum of 13 'equip' points. And maximum health/damage is still determined by your overall level, i.e. a 2* character with 13 covers w/ full ISO invested maintains their level 85 health/damage, even if you are only using level 1 powers (or turning off powers all together) for a single game.

-In the previous PvE, depending on your team, there were situations where IM40's recharge is more valuable at lvl 1/2 than lvl 3/4 (depending on if you need to fuel green/purple). If you have 4 covers for IM40, previous it's tough luck. With this change, you can reduce your yellow power w/o affecting the health of your character. However, if you only have two yellow covers for IM40, you can not go up to level 3 powers, you're resigned to 0/1/2.

-Sometimes you'd prefer the 5/3/5 build of OBW to steal purple, but you have a 3/5/5 build. Currently you're SOL, and even if you get the covers to switch to 5/3/5, that change is permanent until you get the blue covers to switch back. Silliness and completely unnecessary dynamic. Once you collect all 15 covers, you can change at will.

For PvP, if you drop your levels, then your opponent sees those reduced levels in the retaliation node.

-You want to use a Sentry/BP pairing for defense, but are afraid the AI will not cast Sacrifice and use the inferior Battleplan. No longer! Power down your Battleplan to lvl 0 and take the option away. (you of course have to win like that first)

Edit and addendum: Make powering down hero level possible also. Sometimes you want a specific player to tank a color but can't because you maxed him. In this case, you take the reduced damage and reduced health that comes with a lower level hero.

Example there:

-You have a 2* Daken that typically sits on the bench behind 85 Thor and 85 OBW. You want to use him with one of those characters, but also want him to tank colors. You can reduce Thor/OBW to whatever level is satisfactory to have Daken tank that color. Same deal with PvP, if you do that, your opponent sees the reduced level.


  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    Unfortunately, in their eyes, I could see it as you taking potential money off the table if you allow everyone to get 15 covers and change at will. Right now, it costs 2500 HP for 1 4* cover. If they were to let you get 15 covers and change whenever, every change "robs" them of 2500 HP and there's no way they would allow that.

    I do like the option of powering down abilities and levels though. If you have a 5/5/3 and want to run a 5/5/2 temporarily, then you can, but it also lowers your level from 141 to 128. Or keep your power at 5/5/3, but lower your level to 90 so that another character can tank for a while, that would be nice.

    I think this is the only game I've ever played that in some cases it's more beneficial to be LESS powerful than your character's potential. It's so strange.
  • Unknown
    I am certain the percentage of revenue from people respeccing 4*s is tiny. People going up to 15 covers to have the flexibility to change at will might be worth something to people however.
  • I_am_Zero
    I_am_Zero Posts: 92 Match Maker
    4* was just an example. A better example would be 3*. It costs 1250HP per 3* cover. The cheapest option would be to buy 2 "Agency Expenses" and 1 "Bugle Pittance" for a total of $11.97 (US). Do you really think D3 will give up that money just so you can respec anytime you want if you get 15 covers? Don't get me wrong, I'd LOVE to see this option, but they'll never do that.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    So take the respec out. I think that cost would be offset by the people that now buy the extra two covers that wouldn't previously, but I get the point.