Permanently add Simulator to Story area

Nonce Equitaur 2
Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
In the Simulator events, there are lots of weird, random teams to fight against in a variety of environments.

Put a Simulator in the Story area. Every week, refresh it with new random teams.

There should be 20 or so nodes in it, with levels going from 30 (on the left) to 100 (on the right). Each time a node is played, levels should increase +5 (on the left) to +30 (on the right). All nodes are playable -- they aren't linked to previous nodes.

Prizes should be modest, just like nodes in the prologue. ISO 20 (x4), tokens, boosts, healing packs, ISO 100, ISO 250, and occasional surprises. The only prizes are on the nodes. No Alliance or Season prizes, and no points for clearing nodes.

This would provide a good area for testing out different teams at different levels against a good variety of strange teams.


  • Unknown
    Wheras I love this idea, with the new healing changes people are that much less likely to spend any time/damage on something without any worthwhile payout. I am already dreading the next time there is a pve with multiple active subs, a pvp, and lightning rounds all going at once. No one's roster is deep enough to be competitive in all of those at once without healing.
  • Nonce Equitaur 2
    Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
    There would likely be some healing packs somewhere in the lower level areas. And more in the mid and high level areas. Would you send in your B team to get a health pack to heal someone in your A team? Would you risk your A team to get a health pack for a later event?