[True Healing] Adjust Prize Levels due to decreased scores

I expect scores to go down considerably due to the lack of healing for ALL events. Devs, please track this closely and consider condensing/lowering the scoring level prizes.


  • Unknown
    Top score in my bracket in Hollowpoint Kiss is 350. Pre-nerf, it would be over 1000 at this point.
  • Unknown
    Xerobull wrote:
    I expect scores to go down considerably due to the lack of healing for ALL events. Devs, please track this closely and consider condensing/lowering the scoring level prizes.

    Agreed. It would be nice if they rebalance (and by that I MEAN LOWER) the progression rewards to take into account the fact that people will not be able to play as much and thus post lower scores
  • Cragger
    Cragger Posts: 316 Mover and Shaker
    the big fat pack of 212/141/141 that used to sit around 900-1100 is not at 650-800. Shield hopping is now best practice starting at 800, not 950. Things will level out, but I expect the veterans to be able to adjust their play styles to obtain points just like they used to.

    The thing about progression goals is that most people are only shooting to hit the reward and stop. If the 1100 reward were at 1300, everyone would just play longer. 1000-1100 is brutal because the competition to not lose points at that band is fierce. Everyone shields, leaving the super-heavies as the only opponents, who them eat anyone exposed for longer than 10 minutes. Were the thresholds higher, behaviors would follow suit.

    Things will even out by the end of the week. PvE on the other hand is a different story, what with limited rosters and scaling. Then again, progression rewards are predictably unreliable in PvE, either too high or too low. So, working as intended.
  • tbighead21
    tbighead21 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    1st in my bracket - 1050. 5th- 905. Slightly lower scores but I'm not sure if it was because of the healing change or bc Daredevil was the prize.
  • Feyda
    Feyda Posts: 105
    Wish my bracket was that easy, I had 1027 points and only got 6th, all top 5 had 1100+ with our leader at 1273.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scores in my bracket were up including mine. That said, it's impossible to make this statement and then prove it. You could have just as easily ended up in a bracket where first was just over 900 points or in one where you needed over 1k to make top 10.
  • Unknown
    The daredevil tourney was brutal. I would play as long as healthpacks would allow, get up to ~650 and take a break. Was pushed back under 400 multiple times and only managed to barely break 700 for a top 50 finish using a 3hr shield near the end.
  • Unknown
    They were already reduced. 50 HP was at 900, and now it's 400/600/800 for 25/25/50. The 1100/1300 is unchanged, but you weren't getting that without using shields or some extreme amount of playing.

    And of course scores are lower oveall if you're not shield hopping. Why would they not be?