More Non-Alliance tournaments

Nonce Equitaur 2
Nonce Equitaur 2 Posts: 2,269 Chairperson of the Boards
I'd like to see a rerun of some 3 day PvE tournament without any Alliance or Season prizes being involved. Rewards of some existing 3* character.

For me, that would mean I could take a vacation from an event, much like I do with the Lightning Rounds.

This event wouldn't be all that necessary for people with good 3* rosters, but would be great for people still in 2* land or in 2* to 3* transition. A lot of recent changes have hurt 2* players a lot more than 3* players. This would help out 2* players more, and give a break to Alliance members experiencing burnout.


  • MojoWild
    MojoWild Posts: 765 Critical Contributor
    Even something new like a non-competitive event, where placement didn't matter, just progression... Something that could be played out over time, kind of like a limited time prologue/story chapter...
  • Unknown
    It would be nice if they reinstated the hero points for the top 2500 alliances. Now you have to be in a 20 person alliance to win hero points, again screwing the 2* players. Alternately, it would be nice if alliance standings were base on only the top 5 scores from alliance. This would give all teams a chance to compete for alliance prizes, maybe only 1 in a million, but I'm saying there's a chance.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    papa07 wrote:
    Now you have to be in a 20 person alliance to win hero points, again screwing the 2* players.
    Why can't 2* players be in a 20 person alliance? I didn't have any 3's at all when I joined mine.